- Hello Saferide The Monkeys 歌詞
- Hello Saferide
- So we were walking around the zoo in Barcelona
我們在巴塞羅那(西班牙東北部港口)的動物園里四處溜達 We were looking at some elephants and **** 我們看到一些大象和他們的便便 We took pictures of the tigers, they were sleeping 我們給老虎拍照,它們睡得正香 And we were having beer by the bear pit 我們還在熊井旁喝了些啤酒
那些猴子看起來簡直就和我們一樣 And the monkeys they look just like us 它們像我們一樣抱小孩 They hug their children just like us 像我們一樣眨眼睛 They close their eyes look just like our 它們爬得真快!這個和我們不一樣 They climb real fast that's not like us 我們在巴塞羅那的動物園享受愉快的時光
我們給泥漿裡的鱷魚拍照 And we are enjoying life at the zoo in Barcelona 被一隻又大又胖的正在睡覺的短吻鱷逗得大笑 We take pictures of a crocodile in the mud 當我們知道它完全可以把我們幹掉 We laugh at one big fat alligators sleeping 我們不由得一陣激動(腎上腺素飆升) While we all know he could kill us all he could 就像在坐過山車
當我們知道它完全可以把我們幹掉 And that gives us all adrenaline 但我們正是那些看著它的人 It's like a rollercoaster ride 那個伙計還朝它扔了些麵包 Knowing he could kill us all 我們一定是最好的物種因為我們可以製造武器來阻擋傷害 But we are the ones who're looking at him 別忘了還有互聯網 And that guy threw some bread at him 但我們要是在它旁邊游泳,絕不會倖存 And we must be the best species cause we can build weapons and obsess over things 回到中心區在廣場喝一些葡萄酒 And the internet 這裡的人舉止很不得體但這裡並不是到處都是猴子 But we wouldn't survive a swim next to him 人們在談論一些趣事但他們沒有意識到
最壞的事情就是這裡沒有猴子 Went back to the center had some wine at the square 即使你知道了這個,它也會讓你太不舒服以至於不想在意它 People were behaving badly but there weren't monkeys anywhere (如果)這裡不是到處都有猴子真是太沒意思了 People spoke about interesting things but they were notaware 我喝了點東西看了足球比賽然後就忘了 Of the wrong beings of there not being any monkeys anywhere 想一想為什麼猴子們被關了起來但我們沒有 我喝了點東西看了足球比賽然後就忘了 And even if you knew it, it'd be too uncomfortable to care 想一想為什麼猴子們被關了起來但我們沒有 That there really is no sense that there aren't any monkeys anywhere
I had a drink and watched the soccer game and then I forgot To think about why the monkeys are locked up, and why we're not I had a drink and watched a soccer game and then I forgot To think about why the monkeys are locked up, and why we're not