- San Holo love (wip) (commentary) 歌詞
- San Holo
- love (wip)
I realize a lot of people dont know what 'WIP' stands for 我注意到很多人不明白'WIP'代表什麼 It stands for 'work in progress' 它代表”尚未完成“ Its kind of a producer joke as well 這類似於一個製作人間的玩笑 When us producers send tracks to each other that are not finished 當我們這些製作人將未完成的歌曲發給其他人的時候 We always put 'WIP' behind the song 我們總是會在歌名之後加上'WIP' To let each other know its still a work in progress 以讓對方知道這是一個尚未完成的作品 And I think, you know, love is always a work in progress 我認為,愛情永遠是一個未完成的過程 So, thats why I call it 'love (wip)' 所以,這就是我稱這首歌為'love (wip)'的原因 One night, I got a e-mail from my friend Cassini, a fresh producer who I really love 一天晚上,我的朋友Cassini,一個我很喜歡的年輕製作人,發給我一封郵件 He sent me a folder with all kinds of Lo- Fi tape loops that he recorded 他發給我一個裝滿他錄製的各種各樣的低保真的磁帶片段的文件夾 And one loop has the really cool guitar harmony in there, played by multiple guitars 其中的一個片段有一個非常優美的由多把吉他彈出的和聲 And I figured out a way to play it with just one guitar and, let me see 我試著只用一個吉他將這段旋律彈奏了出來 [Guitar sound] 它聽起來就像是這樣 And thats sounds kinda like 我覺得非常棒 [Guitar harmony] 對我而言它聽起來就像愛情 Very pretty I think 我一定是在一個我對愛情的意義十分糾結的時期寫出了'album1'這張專輯 Just sounds like love to me 我對於愛情的意義想了很多,也與很多人談起這個話題 I definitely wrote 'album1' in a time where I was very conflicted about the meaning of love 我慢慢認識到愛情不是一個一成不變的東西,它並不是非黑即白的 And I really thought and talked about it a lot with people 愛情……它對每個人而言都有所不同 I came to realize that love is not a fixed thing, its not black and white 因為每個人都有著不同的需要 And, ..., and its different for everyone 這時常會在戀人間產生使人痛苦的距離感 As everyone also has different needs 但也某種意義上對我很有啟發 And oftentimes, this creates like distance between lovers, which is painful 在'love (wip)'這首歌的正中間部分 But also very inspiring to me in a way, um 有一段美妙的錄音,其中某個人談著她對於愛情的看法 Right the middle of the song 'love (wip)' 這是一段非常珍貴的錄音 Theres a beautiful recording of someone speaking her mind about love 關於這段錄音,我不是很想說太多,但是 Its a very precious recording 我很高興它能夠出現在這首歌裡 I dont really want to say too much about it ,but uh Im really glad to see it there