- SUPERBEE Celebrate the Day 歌詞
- 예정된성공, thank you,
預定的成功, thank you god bless you all god bless you all pop another bottle, pop another bottle put yo glasses up put yo glasses up 앞으로더큰성공을위해 為了將來更大的成功 lets celebrate the day, lets celebrate the day celebrate the day celebrate the day 예정된성공, thank you, 預定的成功, thank you god bless you all god bless you all pop another bottle, pop another bottle put yo glasses up put yo glasses up 앞으로더큰성공을위해 為了將來更大的成功 lets celebrate the day, lets celebrate the day celebrate the day celebrate the day 몇주전쇼미더머니할때에 幾週前參加給我錢的時候 작가누나들이물어나한테 作家姐姐們問我 우승에대한이유가 뭐냐고 為什麼想獲勝 그래서우승에이유가있냐답했어 然後我回答獲勝需要理由嗎 내영웅과달리mo money no problem 我和英雄人物不同mo money no problem 매일그지였다고그래도엄마돈은 儘管每天都是如此但還是 안썼던i was a cool kid 不花媽媽的錢了i was a cool kid hater들아 ye 나는good kid 討厭我的人們ye 我是good kid i met dok2 i met the q i met dok2 i met 安靜叔 니가아는rapsta들은다날반기지 你認識的rapstar們都在歡迎我 이건꿈이였는데여튼 反正這是夢啊 꽤나빨리내인생을찾았다고좋은날이 我很快就迎來了人生的好日子 살짝건방져진feelin, snobbish 漸漸我開始變得傲慢起來feelin, snobbish 자만심에취했냐물음nah, bish 問自己陷入自滿了嗎nah, bish 땀흘려 준내드로즈팬티에 我的內褲被汗水浸濕 축배를들어오늘celebrate the day 今天一起舉杯celebrate the day 예정된성공, thank you, 預定的成功, thank you god bless you all god bless you all pop another bottle, pop another bottle put yo glasses up put yo glasses up 앞으로더큰성공을 위해 為了將來更大的成功 lets celebrate the day, lets celebrate the day celebrate the day celebrate the day 예정된성공, thank you, 預定的成功, thank you god bless you all god bless you all pop another bottle, pop another bottle put yo glasses up put yo glasses up 앞으로더큰성공을위해 為了將來更大的成功 lets celebrate the day, lets celebrate the day celebrate the day celebrate the day 중학교고등학교음악시간되면오선지 中學時上音樂課的時候 하나못봤던놈이 連五線譜都沒見過的傢伙 이제니여자랑이 박자를갖고놀지 現在拿著拍子和你的女人玩 아직팔목걸이rollie는 現在戴的手錶 없지만homeboi, myunDo 雖然沒有rollie, homeboi, myunDo 내강아지그로밋 我的小狗gromit 그럼난누구u already know that 那麼我是誰u already know that 우린롸케트타고 我們坐著火箭 gettin cheddar cheeze gettin cheddar cheeze up in the moon up in the moon 말은말고better see 不要說better see hey, 난다끝내놓고 hey我全部結束 뛰는놈위나는놈위 跳的人之上我在那些人之上 자는놈이되길원해 想成為睡覺的人 but hell no, 끝은절대 없고 but hell no, 絕對不會結束 보여줄게많아 要給你看的有很多 왜냐면누군나보고연예인 因為誰看到我都問我是藝人對吧 맞죠? 하는애들이여럿 這樣的人很多 물론TV가날띄웠지만 當然打開電視就能看到我 그건원하지않았어전혀 但那根本不是我想要的 어쩌면배부른거이애로들에 也許是因為吃飽了 감사를가지자고celebrate the day 對這些困難的產生了謝意celebrate the day 예정된성공 , thank you, 預定的成功, thank you god bless you all god bless you all pop another bottle, pop another bottle put yo glasses up put yo glasses up 앞으로더큰성공을위해 為了將來更大的成功 lets celebrate the day, lets celebrate the day celebrate the day celebrate the day 예정된성공, thank you, 預定的成功, thank you god bless you all god bless you all pop another bottle, pop another bottle put yo glasses up put yoglasses up 앞으로더큰성공을위해 為了將來更大的成功 lets celebrate the day, lets celebrate the day celebrate the day celebrate the day