- Sabaton Soldier of 3 Armies 歌詞
- Sabaton
投筆從戎參加預備役 Started out as a reserve, 迅速因英勇表現得到晉升 Soon promoted, well deserved 一代傳奇正拉開大幕! And the legend has begun! 高價懸賞他的首級 With a bounty on his head, 紅軍對他恨之入骨 The Red Army wants him dead 正是蘇聯頭號大敵 Soviet enemy number one. 榮獲曼納海姆十字勳章
沉迷戰爭不能自拔 Cross of Mannerheim 心中永不熄滅的火焰 Addicted to the war game 使他一次次重獲勝利 Never-ending flame 哦,我們銘記,我們銘記 Victory reclaimed 我們銘記!
高聲喊出,勞利·托魯尼的名字! Oh, we remember, we remember, 在三面旗幟下戰鬥的士兵對戰爭瞭如指掌 We remember! 往日榮辱歷歷在目!
安息於阿靈頓公墓 Shout Lauri Torni's name! 既是芬蘭之子也是陸軍特戰隊員! A Soldier of Three Armies knows the game, 願你最終瞑目九泉! Keeps their echo from the past! 勞利·阿蘭·托魯尼! Rise from beyond your grave, 遠渡重洋尋找嶄新開始 Son of Finland and a Green Beret! 戰爭的鼓點仍在他心中迴響 May you rest in peace at last ! 一代傳奇翻開新的篇章! Lauri Allan Torni! 參加美軍預備役
迅速因優秀表現得到晉升 Crossed the water, a new start, 更名拉利·索恩! War still beating in his heart 榮獲曼納海姆十字勳章 A new legend has been born! 沉迷戰爭不能自拔 Started out as a reserve, 心中永不熄滅的火焰 Soon promoted well deserved 使他一次次重獲勝利 Changed his name to Larry Thorne! 哦,我們銘記,我們銘記
我們銘記! Cross of Mannerheim 高聲喊出,勞利·托魯尼的名字! Addicted to the war game 在三面旗幟下戰鬥的士兵對戰爭瞭如指掌 Never-ending flame 往日榮辱歷歷在目! Victory reclaimed 安息於阿靈頓公墓
既是芬蘭之子也是陸軍特戰隊員! Oh we remember, we remember, 願你最終瞑目九泉! We remember! 從遙遠的千湖之國
一路轉戰德國和美國 Shout Lauri Torni's name! 歷經各種變幻莫測的戰事 A Soldier of Three Armies knows the game, 榮獲曼納海姆十字勳章 Keeps their echo fromthe past! 鐵十字勳章,銅星勳章,紫心勳章 Rise from beyond your grave, 外加傑出飛行十字勳章 Son of Finland and a Green Beret! 高聲喊出,勞利·托魯尼的名字! May you rest in peace at last! 在三面旗幟下戰鬥的士兵對戰爭瞭如指掌
往日榮辱歷歷在目! From the Finnish lakes, 安息於阿靈頓公墓 Into Germany and USA 既是芬蘭之子也是陸軍特戰隊員! All the wars he came across 願你最終瞑目九泉! Cross of Mannerheim, 勞利·阿蘭·托魯尼! An Iron Cross, a Bronze Star, Purple Heart, One Distinguished Flying Cross
Shout Lauri Torni's name! A Soldier of Three Armies knows the game, Keeps their echo from the past! Rise from beyond your grave, Son of Finland and a Green Beret! May you rest in peace at last! Lauri Allan Torni!