- Architects black lungs 歌詞
- Architects
- Do you cross your heart when you hope to die?
你可曾在希望自己死去時,在心口前畫十嗎? Are you sleeping deep in the hurricane? 還是你想在風暴中永遠沉眠? IVs in the arm, forgetting to feel 早已忘記靜脈被注射的感覺 Were crawling on all fours 我們正如動物般用四肢爬行 Will you fall on that sword at the second coming? 在基督复臨時,你會吞下這苦果嗎? Youre gonna taste the ash and dust 你只會嚐到,灰塵與泥沙的滋味 Cause this world is dying in our arms 因為這世界,正在我們的懷中消亡 Now the wheels are turning 現在時間車輪已然向前滾動 What would you do to stay alive if the planet was burning? 如果這星球毀滅,你又會做些什麼來苟活於世?
你想讓地獄在人間重現嗎? You wanna make your hell a reality? 孩子們在呼吸時,他們的肺已經變得炭黑 Black lungs for the young if they dare to breathe (當他們呼吸時) (If they dare to breathe, woah) 對我來說,這事實如天堂般美妙 Sure sounds like heaven to me 就像你斬草必先除根般 Youve gotta cut the roots to kill the weeds 如果再不相信惡果必將到來,終有一日我們無處可去 No place to go if we dont believe (如果我們不相信) (If we dont believe, woah) 我的上帝,對於聖人來說,這也受夠了 Good Lord, its enough to plague a saint 我們可以神化猶大
裝作自己是和他一樣的反叛者 Give us a Judas steer we can deify 所以我們被光環絞死,被洪水沖走 Yeah, we all pretend were the renegades 謝幕吧,我們時間已經不多 So wash us away, garroted by a halo 而末日的到來也毫無疑問 Take a bow, cause times running out 你會嚐到灰塵與泥沙的滋味 Theres no doubt that the end is coming 因為這世界,正在我們的懷中消亡 Youre gonna taste the ash, youre gonna taste the dust 現在時間車輪已然向前滾動 Cause this world is dying in our arms 如果這星球毀滅,你又會做些什麼來苟活於世? Now the wheels are turning 你想讓地獄在人間重現嗎? What would you do to stay alive if the planet was burning? 孩子們在呼吸時,他們的肺已經變得炭黑
(當他們呼吸時) You wanna make your hell a reality? 對我來說,這事實如天堂般美妙 Black lungs for the young if they dare to breathe 就像你斬草必先除根般 (If they dare to breathe, woah) 如果再不相信惡果必將到來,終有一日我們無處可去 Sure sounds like heaven to me (如果我們不相信) Youve gotta cut the roots to kill the weeds 我的上帝,對於聖人來說,這也受夠了 No place to go if we dont believe 主啊,對於聖人來說,這事實也夠殘酷 (If we dont believe, woah) 愛過,而如今也沒人在乎客觀的真相,正義被降伏 Good Lord, its enough to plague a saint 捆著黑布,被送上斷頭台 Good Lord, its enough to plague a saint 如果他們開口,那我們也可以認罪
“當眾神剪去不死鳥之翼時,你又在何處?” Post love, post truth, justice lays bound 他們剪去不死鳥之翼時 And black bagged ready for the guillotine 我們又能在什麼時候才能把這世界從那些愚人,他們所統治的財富 We can all plead guilty when they ask 還有殺人的契約中解放 'Where were you when the Gods clipped the wings of the Phoenix?' 我們會繼續奮戰 They clipped the wings of the Phoenix 當我們浴血奮鬥時,所做的這一切真的足夠嗎? When will we wrestle the world from the fools and their gold 你想讓地獄在人間重現嗎? And their ****ing covenant? 孩子們在呼吸時,他們的肺已經變得炭黑 Well be waiting (當他們呼吸時) Will enough be enough when were holding on for dear life 對我來說,這事實如天堂般美妙
就像你斬草必先除根般 You wanna make your hell a reality? 如果再不相信惡果必將到來,終有一日我們無處可去 Black lungs for the young if they dare to breathe (如果我們不相信) (If they dare to breathe, woah ) 主啊,對於聖人來說,這事實也夠殘酷 Sure sounds like heaven to me 這世界足以使聖徒也苦惱 Youve gotta cut the roots to kill the weeds 這世界足以使聖徒也苦惱 No place to go if we dont believe 這世界足以使聖徒也苦惱 (If we dont believe, woah) 如果他們開口,那我們也可以認罪 Good Lord, its enough to plague a saint “當眾神剪去不死鳥之翼時,你又在何處?” Its enough to plague a saint Its enough to plague a saint Its enough to plague a saint We can all plead guilty when they ask 'Where were you when the Gods clipped the wings of the Phoenix?'