- 洛琳Lynn Funeral March 歌詞
- 洛琳Lynn
- 編曲:Mantra
你說你最厭惡之事 混音:松夏 莫過於看我赤裸地狂奔在街上 You said that you hate to see me 所以我們到底怎麼了 Running bare in the street 你原本愛的不就是那個我嗎 I said what's matter honey 我像個怪胎般獨自一人走在街頭 Didn 't you love that 'bout me 怪胎這不就是你和你朋友對我的稱呼嗎 I walked alone in the street like a freak 我死於我愛人之手 That's what your friends and you've been calling me 我死於我愛人之手,現在他聽著我的葬禮進行曲跳著舞 I died in the hands of my love 敲著棺木我從地獄醒來 I died in the hands of my love, now he's dancing to my funeral march 你挑起了戰爭 Knocking on the coffin wood I rise from hell 但都不屑於揮舞魔杖 You start a war 親愛的我現在看見了 And you don't even care to wave the wand 你已經被恐懼吞噬 Dear I see now fear consumed you 他逐漸吞噬你的靈魂 It's devouring your soul 用盡全力盡快跑吧 Run away as fast as you could 因為黑暗將至 Coz the darkness is near 盡全力跑吧鍾即將敲響 Run if you can coz the clock is ticking 我死於我愛人之手現在我正唱著演奏著我的葬禮進行曲 Breathe if you can coz soon you will be drowning 敲打著棺木我從地獄中醒來 I died in the hands of my love, now I am singing, playing the funeral march 他挑起了戰爭 Knocking on the coffin wood I rise from hell 現在他都沒有力氣揮舞魔杖 He start a war 因為我們是女孩 Now he can't even move to wave the wand 我們把愛放在一切之前 Coz we are girls 別怪你自己為他人哭泣 We put our love in front of everything else 這總是要發生的 Don't blame yourself for crying for someone else 我們哭泣、死去,然後從地獄中甦醒 This is what is always gonna happen 我們死於愛人之手現在我們驕傲地唱起我們的葬禮進行曲 We cry, we die, and we rise from hell 敲打著棺木我們從地獄中醒來 We died in the hands of our love, now we sing proudly this funeral march 我們挑起了戰爭 Knocking on the coffin wood we rise from hell 所以我們必須站起來揮舞魔杖 We start a war Now we must stand and rise to wave our wands