- The Chalkeaters It Just Works 歌詞
- The Chalkeaters
- Watch this: our newest release!
快看:新遊戲勁爆出爐! The legendary series you've missed for years 快燒給你爺爺一起來玩 Comes back, get ready for some action! 準備再次飛上天際 Got couple bugs in here, some broken scripts right there Bug在左,壞腳本在右 The fans will fix it anyway so we don't care! 全靠粉絲補丁來修我們可不管! They'll patch it through micro transactions 捆綁上微交易一起發售 So enjoy your pretty nylon bag 快來享受你的尼龍包 Oh and boy, stop shitting on our swag 少再吐槽帆布跑哪去了 You're not getting any money back 想要退款做夢去吧 You knew that was a one way wacky track 你們自知已經上了賊船 Just shut up and have your nylon bag! 閉上嘴收下尼龍包! Coming up with it was real drag! 再等上幾個月的快遞! All proceeds go strictly to Vault Tec 所有收入歸於避難所科技 So you're NOT getting your money back! 所以別再想拿到你的退款! It just works, it just works 就只是個工作,你還想讓我考慮玩家感受? Little lies, stunning shows 小謊言,大舞台 People buy, money flows, it just works 玩家買,錢滾來,計劃通 It just works, it just works 就只是個工作,你休想改變我 Overpriced open worlds 價過高的開放世界 Earnings rise, take my word 收益蹭蹭漲,相信我的話 It just works 就只是個工作 It just works 就只是個工作 It just works 就只是個工作 It just works 就只是個工作!
我們的技術領先世代 Our tech is cutting edge as far as I can tell Creation引擎永遠是最強 The creation engine's aging very well 換引擎?做美夢,想太多! We're not planning on Doing anything about it 天際就是極限,你心裡自知 Skyrim's the limit, don't deny it 瞧這座山巒你買了就能爬! See this mountain? You can buy it 這款DLC只要999.99 In the DLC for the price of a real mountain! 用火車代替你的腦袋有什麼問題? What's wrong with a train in place of your head? 相信我這算不上什麼! Come on, believe me, you've seen nothing yet 靜待宇宙飛船長出龍的翅膀 The battle spaceship with the dragon animation 引爆網絡,成為新梗 Will become a new sensation on the internet 別多廢話拿出你的錢包 Just shut up, give us your every dime 買這裝甲馬又不是犯罪! Buying an armored horse is not a crime! 我們的開發者可以生吞影魘,所以… Our devs could eat the Shadowmere alive so... 再多買一個平台的天際! BUY SKYRIM ONE MORE TODD DAMN TIME! 就只是個工作,你還想讓我考慮你的感受? It just works, it just works 小謊言,大舞台 Little lies, stunning shows 玩家買,錢滾來,計劃通 People buy, money flows, it just works 就只是個工作,你休想改變我 It just works, it just works 價過高的開放世界 Overpriced open worlds 收益蹭蹭漲,相信我的話 Earnings rise, take my word 就只是個工作 It just works 就只是個工作 It just works 就只是個工作! It just works 別再餵我們無止境的狗屎 We don't want your endless shit 這不是我們想要的遊戲 It's just not the game we need 厭倦了天天撿垃圾 Sick of looting useless junk 畫質爛到我們不忍直視 Graphics making our eyes bleed 別再餵我們無止境的狗屎 We don't want your endless shit 這不是我們想要的遊戲 It's just not the game we need 厭倦了天天撿垃圾 Sick of looting useless junk 畫質爛到我們不忍直視 Graphics making our eyes bleed 現在給我聽好! Now listen up! 歡迎來到髂浪灣 Welcome to the place washed by Iliac waves 這裡所有村民全都一個腦癱樣 There's two and a half peasants with the same ugly face 受夠了小村莊?看這大平原! You're not into small towns? Check out big-ass plains! 50倍天際的面積,再多兩倍的洞穴! 50 times the size of Skyrim's, twice as many pointless caves! 你看,沒人比我們B社更懂玩家 You see, we at Bethesda know exactly what you want 硬核玩家啟發我們去完善微交易 Hardcore gamers inspired us to improve shopping a lot 現在每個開鎖器都要花上10美分 Now each lockpick must be bought for an actual ten spot 並且想要存檔得再花上20美分 And saving now is a paid mod for just twenty a slot 你才不會厭倦,任務無限多 You're never getting bored, you'll have infinite quests 任務光標多到眼花繚亂 There's every vagabond will put you to the test 你會得到無數的戰利品箱 You'll be richly awarded with infinite chests 滿是生鏽的劍和用過的驗孕棒 Full of rusty swords and used pregnancy tests 誰還用老掉牙的技能樹?快快拋棄 We got rid of skill trees, they were old and lame 誰需要升級系統在角色扮演遊戲? Who needs a leveling system in a role-playing game? 你只需要砍砍殺殺然後又拯救一個世界 You came to slash and kill and save one more nation 去他的級別和技能,把你的劍砍到崩! No more levels and skills, only degradation! 就只是個工作,你還想讓我考慮你的感受? It just works, it just works 小謊言,大舞台 Little lies, stunning shows 玩家買,錢滾來,計劃通 People buy, money flows, it just works 就只是個工作,你休想改變我 It just works, it just works 價過高的開放世界 Overpriced open worlds 收益蹭蹭漲,相信我的話 Earnings rise, take my word 就只是個工作,你休想改變我 It just works, it just works 小謊言,大舞台 Little lies, stunning shows 玩家買,錢滾來! People buy, money flows! 就只是個工作 It just works! 就只是個工作 It just works! 就只是個工作 It just works ! 就只是個工作! It just works! 就只是個工作! It just works! 就只是個工作! It just works! 就只是個工作! It just works! 就只是個tmd工作! IT JUST WORKS!!! 現在是誰笑到了最後? So who's laughing now?