- Idina Menzel Let It Go 歌詞
- Idina Menzel
- Idina Menzel - Let It Go
Idina Menzel - Let It Go
今夜的飄絮席捲了山脈 The snow blows white on the mountain tonight 之前的腳印再無踪影 Not a footprint to be seen 在這個與世隔絕的王國里我便是至上的王后 A kingdom of isolation and it looks like I'm the Queen 狂風呼嘯像是要風捲殘雲 The wind is howling like the swirling storm inside 再也無法控制只是天知道我竭盡了全力 Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I tried 別讓他們進來別讓他們看到 Don't let them in, don't let them see 只管做好自己 Be the good girl 一如既往地做個好姑娘 You always had to be 學會收斂而不是張揚 Conceal, don't feel 不要讓他們知道 Don't let them know 好吧如今他們也都知道了 Well, now they know 就讓它去吧 Let it go 就讓它去吧 Let it go 毋須再繼續忍隱屈從 Can't hold it back anymore 就讓它去吧 Let it go 就讓它去吧 Let it go 轉身離開甩門而出 Turn away and slam the door 我不會在乎 I don't care 他們的議論 What they're going to say 讓風暴來得更猛烈些吧 Let the storm rage on 我再也不會為寒意所困擾了 The cold never bothered me anyway 想來有趣的是
距離讓事物變得渺小 It's funny how some distance 而曾經一度控制著我的恐懼 Makes everything seem small 再也奈何不了我了 And the fears that once controlled me 是時候見識一下我的本領了 Can't get to me at all 天際再高也要嘗試飛翔 It's time to see what I can do 沒有對錯是非,我不會被規則束縛 To test the limits and break through 我已經徹底自由 No right, no wrong, no rules for me 就讓它去吧 I'm free 就讓它去吧 Let it go 我是乘風飛舞的精靈 Let it go 就讓它去吧 I am one with the wind and sky 就讓它去吧 Let it go 你永遠不會見到我脆弱而落淚 Let it go 我腳下的土地 You'll never see me cry 將是我的新闢 Here I stand 讓風暴來得更猛烈些吧 And here I stay 我的能量在冰天雪地中轉換 Let the storm rageon 我的靈魂在晶瑩剔透間盤旋
一個念頭在漫天雪地中爆破 My power flurries through the air into the ground 我再也不要回到過去 My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around 歷史已經永遠是過去時了 And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast 就讓它去吧 I'm never going back 就讓它去吧 The past is in the past 我會如破曉的黎明般覺醒 Let it go 就讓它去吧 Let it go 就讓它去吧 And I'll rise like the break of dawn 那個乖乖女已經無處尋覓了 Let it go 我在此重生迎著白日的光芒 Let it go 讓風暴來得更猛烈些吧 That perfect girl is gone 我再也不會為寒意所困擾了 Here I stand in the light of day BY HIM Let the storm rage on The cold never bothered me anyway BY HIM