- Brandi Carlile Just Kids 歌詞
- Brandi Carlile
- Were we just kids, just acting out
我們只是孩子只是在演戲 Didn''t we know then what love was about 難道我們不知道愛是什麼 Were we just fooling, playing around 我們只是在愚弄 Were we ever gonna get out of this town 我們曾經想要離開這個小鎮 Move to Seattle, stay up all night 搬到西雅圖整夜不睡 That was when bedtime was our biggest fight 睡覺的時間是最難熬的時間
一剎那一聲響 All in a moment, all in a sound 沒日沒夜的工作我們終於崩潰 All in a day''s work, we''re tumbling down 在舊學校垃圾邊上 Down by the old school, trash in the street 與陌生人的眼睛對視 Searching the eyes of the strangers we meet 在眼神裡尋找會不會過得更好我們會不會孤獨 Asking will it get better, will we be alone 轉動我們回家的車輪 Turning the wheels of our bicycles home 越過彩虹越過白雪皚皚
學會赤裸著腳走在沙灘上 Over the rainbow, out in the snow 當你跌倒的時候渴望高大渴望被擁吻 Learning to walk with the sand in our toes 當你呼喚的時候希望有人會出現 Long to be tall, kissed when you fall 你呼喚啊 Hopping that someone will come when you call
You call...