- Absofacto Backfire 歌詞
- Absofacto
- Made a big plan huh~
定了個計劃 Are you a mouse or a man 你是大丈夫還是膽小鬼 Sounds like it backfired sounds like it backfired 彷彿一切都適得其反 Who are you fooling 你是在愚弄誰 Could it be you 可能是你自己 When you tried to get over 你奮力一搏 But it got over you again 但結果還是事與願違 Over you again 不盡人意 Dotting your t's and crossing your i's 得寸進尺啊 Hate to tell you but it's poor disguise 很不想說但它確實偽裝得很差勁 Tossing your soul over the wall 把你的靈魂扔到牆上 Sounds like it backfired sounds like it backfired 彷彿一切努力都是白費勁 Made a big plan huh 定了個好計劃 Are you a mouse or a man 你夠不夠勇敢 Sounds like it backfired sounds like it backfired 彷彿一切都事與願違 Who are you fooling 你是在嘲弄誰 No one at all 沒有別人 When you tried to get over 你全力以赴 But it got over you again 但卻事與願違 Over you again 不盡人意