- 1-OF A Rosie Lullaby 歌詞
- 1-OF
- 艾思曉:
月光寂靜拂過渾濁的夜空 Silently the moon drifts through the turbid sky 留下漫無目的的影子遊蕩到一旁 Left the aimless shadow wandering off aside 整個世界既已安然睡去 Though the whole world is fast asleep through this night 為何你還苦苦堅持 Why you still alone holding on tight [00:39.575]
風攜來一陣隱秘的玫瑰香 Wind, the wind is wafting secret scents of rose 彷彿來自寂靜路邊的溫柔問候 like a gentle greeting from the silent road 為何獨自踏上單程旅途 Why set off this one way trip all alone 天色漸暗不妨放慢腳步 Just take it ease when lights go low [01:00.692] 請求你 Could you do me a favor 也把恐懼的權利分享給我吧 Tell me all your fears and I will 我會守護你直至安然無恙 Stand guard for you til you feel safe 直到你不再害怕的那一天 Til the day you never be afraid 是時候熄燈了 It's time to turn off the light 是時候熄滅焦灼的心了 It's time to rest the cautious mind 沒事的度過黑夜不會有事 It's fine It's fine through the night 日出日出是守時的 Sun rise Sun rise on time 別怕我在這裡輕輕哼唱 No fear I'm here I sing slight 但你能感受到吧能聽到這首搖籃曲吧 You feel it you hear the lullaby Lala Lala lalala Lala Lala lalala Lala Lala lalala Lala Lala lalala [02:03.690] Treasure: 嘆息被寂靜的夜色掩蓋 Sigh no one hear it even though it's a quiet night 如川流而過卻沒有發現乾涸 Like a river flowing along but still be dry 一朵無眠的玫瑰為戰爭蓄勢以待 A rose gets no sleep at night she waits for a fight 令人稱頌的堅毅卻不值一個擁抱 Strength is praised but give no embrace [02:27.194]
你啊你是獨守黑夜降臨的玫瑰啊 You you're the rose waiting for the sunset alone 如士兵沉默地用荊棘堅守到底 Like a soldier speechless but stable and tough 我落入讚頌之流忘卻你渴望相擁 I remember to praise but own you an embrace 真希望現在為時不晚 I hope it's not too late to be here [02:46.943]
請求你 Could you do me a favor 也把恐懼的權利分享給我吧 Tell me all your fears and I will 我會守護你直至安然無恙 Stand guard for you til you feel safe 直到你不再害怕的那一天 Til the day you never be afraid 是時候熄燈了 It's time to turn off the light 是時候熄滅焦灼的心了 It's time to rest the cautious mind 沒事的度過黑夜不會有事 It's fine It's fine through the night 日出日出是守時的 Sun rise Sun rise on time 別怕我在這裡我唱得很輕 No fear I'm here I sing slight 但你能感受到吧能聽到這首搖籃曲吧 You feel it you hear the lullaby Lala Lala lalala Lala Lala lalala
作詞:Treasure,艾思曉 作曲:Suz 編曲: Suz 混音:Suz