- melodysheep We Are All Connected 歌词
- melodysheep
- We are all connected
我们被连接在一起 To each other, biologically 和每一个人连接在一起 从生物学的角度上来说 To the earth, chemically 和地球连接在一起 从化学的角度上来说 To the rest of the universe atomically 和整个宇宙连接在一起 从原子层面上来说 I think nature's imagination 我想 大自然的鬼斧神功 Is so much greater than man's 远胜人类的一切想象 She's never going to let us relax 她让我们一刻都不能松懈 We live in an in-between universe 我们生活在宇宙之中 Where things change all right 一切事物的变化 But according to patterns rules 都遵循着宇宙中的规则 Or as we call them 又被称为 laws of nature 自然法则 I'm this guy standing on a planet 我只是芸芸众生中的一员 Really I'm just a speck 和闪耀的群星相比 Compared with a star 我只是地球上的一个小点 the planet is just another speck 而地球 仅仅又是另一个小点罢了 To think about all of this 想想这一切吧 To think about the vast emptiness of space 宇宙广袤无垠 却也满目荒凉 There's billions and billions of stars 群星成千上万 Billions and billions of specks 这些星星 它们也只是一个又一个的小点罢了 The beauty of a living thing is not the atoms that go into it 生命之美 不在于原子本身 But the way those atoms are put together 而在于它们的排列方式 The cosmos is also within us 宇宙与我们同在 We're made of star stuff 我们都是星尘的孩子 We are a way for the cosmos to know itself 宇宙通过我们认识自己 Across the sea of space 跨越星河 The stars are other suns 无数的恒星 raveled this way before 令人眼花缭乱 And there is much to be learned 我们接下来还有很多要学 We are all connected 我们被连接在一起 To each other, biologically 和每一个人连接在一起 从生物学的角度上来说 To the earth, chemically 和地球连接在一起 从化学的角度上来说 To the rest of the universe atomically 和整个宇宙连接在一起 从原子层面上来说 I find it elevating and exhilarating 多么有趣 To discover that we live in a universe 我们生活在这样一个神奇的宇宙中 Which permits the evolution of molecular machines 大自然造就了这样神奇的分子机器(指生命) As intricate and subtle as we 我们就是这精妙机器的一员 I know that the molecules in my body are traceable 这些组成我的原子 To phenomena in the cosmos 都可以追溯到宇宙中的某一时刻 That makes me want to grab people in the street 我想上街 询问每一个人 And say have you heard this??(Richard Feynman on hand drums and chanting) “你们知道这些吗?”(本段由费曼为我们倾情演唱以及演奏手鼓~) The beauty of a living thing is not the atoms that go into it 生命之美 不在于原子本身 But the way those atoms are put together 而在于它们的排列方式 The cosmos is also within us 宇宙与我们同在 We're made of star stuff 我们都是星尘的孩子 We are a way for the cosmos to know itself 宇宙通过我们认识自己 There's this tremendous mess 宇宙中 Of waves all over in space 充斥着各种波 Which is the light bouncing around the room 那是光在不断反弹 And going from one thing to the other 从一个物体到另一个物体 And it's all really there 它就在那里 But you gotta stop and think about it 但你必须要停下来思考 About the complexity to really get the pleasure 思考宇宙的精巧 要以此为乐 And it's all really there 它就在那里 The inconceivable nature of nature 多么“自然”的自然 To think about all of this 想想这一切吧 To think about the vast emptiness of space 宇宙广袤无垠 却也满目荒凉 There's billions and billions of stars 群星成千上万 Billions and billions of specks 它们也只是一个又一个的小点罢了 The beauty of a living thing is not the atoms that go into it 生命之美 不在于原子本身 But the way those atoms are put together 而在于它们的排列方式 The cosmos is also within us 宇宙与我们同在 We're made of star stuff 我们都是星尘的孩子 We are a way for the cosmos to know itself 宇宙通过我们认识自己 Across the sea of space 跨越星河 The stars are other suns 无数的恒星 We have traveled this way before 旅行仍未结束 And there is much to be learned 我们接下来还有很多要学