- Miles Kane Rearrange 歌詞
- Miles Kane
- I wanna make your smoke and kisses
我期望你的芳唇吐出層疊繚繞的煙霧,也能給我無數纏綿繁碎的吻 Black and white. 黑與白相互織錯 Measure all your spinning whispers 暗自猜度著你每句輕若游絲的細語背後有何隱喻 In the loose moonlight. 在散漫幽謐的月光之下 Magic from your fingers tingles down my spine 你那充滿魔力的手指不過輕輕撫過我後背,便在那個瞬間讓我的脊柱承受了錐心之痛 Color in between the lines 不過只言片語於我而言更甚黼黻文章 Let it out' let it out' let it all out 惟願自表心跡向你吐述我心中所念任其曝光罷 Let it out ' let it out' let it all out 只想直抒胸臆讓你通曉我終日思慕唯君一人耳 You rearrange my mind 拜託你重新整理好我混沌凌亂的意識 You rearrange my mind 祈求你可以梳理清我荒蕪繁雜的心緒 An uneasy feeling churns inside of me. 一種不安的情緒在我體內悄然蔓延肆意擴散開來 I'll draw it on a wall for you' 我願細細描摹塗就整幅牆壁只為你呈現 All to see. 徹頭徹尾點點滴滴 Trying to find a diamond in an avalanche 殫精竭力捨命為你在奔騰著的茫茫燦爛白雪中,尋找一粒光芒奪目的鑽石 But you just haven't had the chance. 只怕你未曾見得,我便已葬身雪地, 雖就如此,我卻仍願為你殞命 Let it out' let it out' let it all out 情難自持為君顯露剖心自敘為你訴述 Let it out' let it out' let it all out 理智已棄陷入癡狂任其發展無暇顧及 You rearrange my mind 唯有你可以控制我的理智 You rearrange my mind 只有你能夠釐清我的心緒 Let it out' let it out' let it all out 情難自持為君顯露剖心自敘為你訴述 Let it out' let it out' let it all out 理智已棄陷入癡狂任其發展無暇顧及 You rearrange my mind 唯有你可以控制我的理智 You rearrange my mind 只有你能夠釐清我的心緒