- Tom Rosenthal Tractor 歌詞
- Tom Rosenthal
- I woke up like this
我醒來 Like a little bug returning to its chrysalis 彷彿飛蟲回到蛹中 Beginning of a different life 開啟全新的生命篇章 Nothing much to carry but the rolling nights 除了翻湧的夜晚身輕如無物 Im a tractor on the motorway 我像是高速路上的拖拉機 Ill be there tomorrow, if not today 如果今天無法抵達目的地那就明天 And theres loads of life in my bodys way 我的身體承載重負 But Ill get there 但我總會抵達終點 I stood up like this 我站著 For a moment I forgot what living is 有一瞬間忘記什麼是生活 I saved a video 我存下一段視頻 The only one of you that I didnt know 僅存的記錄了你不為我所知的一面 Im a tractor on the motorway 我像是高速路上的拖拉機 Ill be there tomorrow, if not today 如果今天無法抵達目的地那就明天 And theres loads of life in my bodys way 我的身體承載重負 But Ill get there 但我總會抵達終點 Im a little snail on a train 我像是火車上的蝸牛 A moving bodys a moving pain 每前進一步都伴隨著巨大痛苦 And none of this has a given name 這一切都是未知 But Ill get there 但我總會抵達終點 Funny what becomes awakened 諷刺的是不堪一擊的苦難 When we have whole lives to ponder 就在我們用盡一生思考時消逝 Like your favourite sayings written on your kitchen wall 就像你寫在廚房牆上的至愛箴言 Like when meals become just meals, then something is dying 就像飯菜只是飯菜伴隨著生命的消亡 Drink makes you feel the way you ought to feel without it 酒精的效果應是聊勝於無 The ship in the harbour is safe, but thats not what a ship is for 安詳的港灣絕非船舶命運的歸處 All of these words are written in me 這一切都被鐫刻進我的身體 I will wear them all 我會銘記這一切 Im a tractor on the motorway 我像是高速路上的拖拉機 Ill be there tomorrow, if not today 如果今天無法抵達目的地那就明天 And theres loads of life in my bodys way 我的身體承載重負 But Ill get there 但我總會抵達終點 Im a little snail on a train 我像是火車上的蝸牛 A moving bodys a moving pain 每前進一步都伴隨著巨大痛苦 And none of this has a given name 這一切都是未知 But well get there 但我總會抵達終點 Im a tractor on the motorway 我像是高速路上的拖拉機 Ill be there tomorrow, if not today 如果今天無法抵達目的地那就明天 And theres loads of life in my bodys way 我的身體承載重負 But Ill get there 但我總會抵達終點