- Radical Face summer skeletons 歌詞
- Radical Face
- We were sun-burned and shoeless kids
那是一個死氣沉沉的七月 It was the dead of July 在陽光的縫隙中在石頭上跳躍 We were skippin' stones in the failing light 我聞到了有炊煙的地方 I smelled the fire place 儘管我們隔得很遠 Although we were miles away 我們既永恆 We were infinite 在那些日子裡彷彿沒有時間的限制 There was no time in those days 儘管我們知道時間已經悄悄被偷走
但我們其實沒損失什麼 When all we knew wasn't stolen 當我們頭腦還簡單的時候 There was nothing real to lose 我們眠於月下 When our heads were still simple 你是那個 We'd sleep beneath the moon 一直在我身邊的
遇見你我從不後悔 You were something 迷失在林間 That would always be around 撫摸著樹皮 When regrets were nowhere to be found 你的雙膝滿是血痕
當你摔倒樹上的時候 Lost out among the trees 我們都大笑不停 Our hands scraped the bark 同時熱火朝天的向林子裡說著髒話 You still had bloody knees 我們沒必要交流 From your spill in the dark 夜幕降臨,海灘旁邊 We were both laughing then 我們在海岸上 While carving bad words in the wood 當風箏展翅飛翔 We had no need to speak 群星墜湖
湖水也很暖 Night, down by the shore 在我腦中揮之不去 We were down by the shore 你將我的衣服從脖子上拿下 When the skies opened up 泥土都落到耳朵上,陽光灑在眼裡 And all the stars fell into the lake T卹像塊破布掛著,思想在雲裡神遊 When the water was warm 我們毫無恐懼,但我們還是心無所向 Walked in over my head 你幾乎不說話,但我也毫不在意 But you pulled me out by the collar of my shirt
Dirt in our ears, sun in our eyes Shirts hung in rags, head in the clouds Our fears had no teeth, hearts were still blind You barely talked and I didn't mind