- Radical Face The Crooked Kind 歌詞
- Radical Face
- The Crooked Kind - Radical Face
I heard you tellin' lies 我聽見你在說謊
我聽見你說我們並非生於相同的血脈 I heard you say you weren' t born of our blood 我知道我們是另類 I know we're the crooked kind 但孩子,很明顯,你也是另類 But you're crooked too, boy, and it shows 有的人一帆風順
有的人一生走在平凡的路上,安好卻又勞累 Some get dealt simple hands 但是所有人都是被損壞的貨品 Some walk the common paths, all nice and worn 這不關於是否會被傷害 But all folks are damaged goods 而是時間和方式的問題 It ain't a talk of 'if,' 所以,收拾好你的傷口,把他們展示在你的身體上 just one of 'when' and 'how' 你的血液就是最好的墨水 So, collect your scars and wear 'em well 去把你的名字塗寫在雲上 Your blood's a good an ink as any 然後讓他們煙消雲散 Go scratch your name into the clouds 雷聲正敲打著鼓點 And pull 'em all... down 壓抑的空氣中瀰漫著暴雨的味道
我坐在我哥哥的旁邊 The thunder plays it's drum 感受著他的顫抖 The air is heavy with the smell of storms 當他自嘲地笑夠了睡著了 And I sit beside my brother 我開始笑了 and I feel him shake 但我聞到了他們血液的味道 As he laughs himself right back to sleep 我用手指在樹林中追尋著他們的臉龐 And I'm laughin' with him 在我的骨髓深處,我聽見了他們的聲音 But I smell their blood 在我孤單一人時,他們在我的耳邊歌唱 My finger's trace their faces in the wood 讓我不再感到害怕 I hear their voices somewhere in my bones 我從這時就知道 I feel them sing along when I' m alone 因為我在這裡,和所有人一起 When I'm not too frightened 他們從未真正離開過 that is when I know 我知道他們一直在這裡 That I'm here with everyone 我聽著他們的歌
和他們融為了一體 They're never truly gone 影子在房間裡跳舞 I know it's everyone 我知道他們的名字 And I hear their songs 我也流淌著他們的血液 Oh, I'm lost with everyone 他們唱著被人遺忘的歌謠 Shadowsdance around the room 但我知道他們唱著什麼 I know their names 從我出生起,他們就一直陪伴著我 I carry their blood too 在離開這個世界後,我也將與他們一起共舞 They sing forgotten songs But I know the words They've been with me since I was born As I grew I danced with them too