- Radical Face letters home 歌詞
- Radical Face
- So, I'm writing' you this letter between rests
額,我是斷斷續續地寫這封信的 'cause yesterday a bullet found my chest 因為昨天有一顆子彈找上了我的胸口 And I don't got the energy to dress myself 然後我現在沒力氣自己穿衣服 And I can't walk without help 也沒有力氣自己走路了。
而且我…… And I... 我想不起來我為什麼要上戰場了 I can't remember why I joined this war 我也沒法子告訴你,我在為何而戰 And I can't tell you what we're fighting' for 我猜我不夠聰明,看不透這場野心遊戲
也看不到,遊戲的玩家們無人領先。 I guess I wasn't smart enough to see the game 而現在,我錯過的事情多到你不敢置信 And that no one's keeping' score 那張錯過事物的清單上全是些雞毛蒜皮的小事兒
比如和狗狗一起玩 And now, you would not believe the things I miss 還有幫老爸砍圍牆後的樹什麼的。 It's all the little things that fill that list 現在我……
我不知道我還能不能見到明天 Like playing' with the dogs 大夫說往哪邊都有可能(譯註:指傷情) And helping' father chop the wood behind the fence 但我還是想讓你知道
無論我是生病了還是摔傷了 Now I... 還是在這家醫院里永遠閉上了眼睛
我都沒關係的,沒錯 I'm not sure if I'll see another day 我已經與它們和解啦 The doctor said it could go either way 與錯誤和其他所有的事 But I just wanted you to know 錯誤和其他所有的事 No matter if I sink of fall 錯誤和其他所有的事 or blink out in this hospital 錯誤和其他所有的事
錯誤和其他所有的事。 That I'm alright, yeah I made peace with it all
Mistakes and all
Mistakes and all
Mistakes and all
Mistakes and all
Mistakes and all