- Vektor Pteropticon 歌詞
- Vektor
- The screenings have been reviewed
篩查結果已經過審核 The targets have been compiled 目標名錄已編制完成 We're coming after you 我們即刻便能將你緝拿 Swift justice with guile 處心積慮的審判倏然而至 My eyes now blanket the world and beyond 此刻我的目光籠罩著整個世界乃至更遠 We are charged for the attack 全副武裝準備出擊 There is no turning back 如箭在弦無路可退 I have gained the trust from all the peoples within the sanctioned spheres 我已獲取了製裁領域內所有人的信任 Epsilon and Cygnus: you have much to fear 厄普西隆和天鵝座: 你們理應驚恐萬狀 Neither of you could maintain the natural order; you've become unbound 你們誰都沒能維持自然秩序; 你們已經失去了束縛 Like a ****that has to be plucked, I am breaking ground 就像一株必須拔除的野草, 而我正在破土動工 Blackened wings outstretched over the sky 漆黑雙翼遮天蔽日 Harbingers of death invading your mind 死亡預兆入侵思維 Sentinels deployed to Earth Epsilon 前哨已被部署至厄普西隆地表 Flee from the Reaper squadron: Pteropticon 從死神中隊與天眼翼兵的轟炸中逃跑吧! The Reapers break through the clouds 成群的收割者破開雲層 Missiles unleashed on the weak 導彈向著弱者發射 My terror kept under shroud 我的恐怖掩蓋在裹屍布之下 Stealth fighters, black and sleek 隱形戰鬥機, 漆黑而呈流線型 Compiling terrorist cells 彙編恐怖組織名單 I get the help that I seek 我得到了我所尋求的幫助 Taking down the Cygnus regime 徹底顛覆天鵝座! Panic inspires chaos: the discordant order of things 恐慌引發混亂:事物失去和諧與秩序 Before the waves wash you clean, you are beaten down, nearly drowning 在浪潮將你洗淨之前, 你倒地不起, 幾近溺死 You have been screened and your fate I am summoning 你已被選出, 而你的命運正被我召喚 You hear the sound of their engines humming; they are coming 你聽見引擎轟鳴聲; 它們正在趕來 Blackened wingsoutstretched over the sky 漆黑雙翼遮天蔽日 Harbingers of death invading your mind 死亡預兆入侵思維 Sentinels deployed to Earth Epsilon 前哨已被部署至厄普西隆地表 Flee from the Reaper squad 在收割者小隊的砲火中逃竄吧 Everything falls into place 一切都順理成章 As I cure the plague of falling empires 衰亡帝國的瘟疫由我治愈 Balance restored 平衡終被恢復 Cygnus is in contempt of my desires 僅憑天鵝座已不足以滿足我的抱負 Blackened wings outstretched over the sky 漆黑雙翼遮天蔽日 Harbingers of death invading your mind 死亡預兆入侵思維 Sentinels deployed to Earth Epsilon 前哨已被部署至厄普西隆地表 Flee from the Reaper squadron: Pteropticon 在天眼翼兵中隊的管控下逃竄吧! We have our eyes on you 我們時刻監視著你 From every Reaper wing 通過收割者的每隻翅膀 They are tied into your mind 它們連接了你的思維 Knowing what you think 你的所有想法都一清二楚 The population will be halved through our cleansing : every defect razed 我們的大清洗將使人口數量減半: 任何缺陷都會被摧毀 Cygnus V.2 is now in command; your future will be safe 天鵝座V.2已經接管這裡; 你的未來絕對安全