- Shing02 J i盤古 歌詞
- Shing02
- Jipangu the images of tracks unbeaten
我始終心心念念黃金孔雀城 recollect and sweeten 追憶過去心中甚是欣慰 for a stay nice and short like a haiku 短暫卻又美好就像緋句那般 dear Jipangu I wish to thank you 親愛的黃金孔雀城啊我想要感謝你 arigato to coastal lines both vivid and pastel 感謝你無論是鮮豔還是暗淡的海岸線 an unframed canvas untamed by us the farthest 你就像一個無邊際的畫佈在最遙遠的地方你還未被我們涉足 where the sun rises in the east and sets in the west 太陽東昇西落 I must confess the waves here look not the same 我必須承認她的海浪變幻莫測 the sounds emanating always changing 它的咆哮也不盡相同 with the weather the architecture 伴隨這天氣這建築 blended with the background a book unbound 伴隨著這背景它就像一本未裝訂的書自由自在 rough on the edges like a worn blade centuries old 粗糙的邊緣就像使用多年的磨損的刀刃一樣 battle tested a thousand fold 戰爭使它狼煙滿地 I can see it in the eyes of the children 我可以從孩子們的眼中看到 they still haunt me to come back until then 他們依然想要我回來直到那時 I sincerely hope to do justice 我真誠的希望我能伸張正義 to introduce and more than reminisce 去介紹而不止是回憶 a place my heart yearns for upon return 我的心渴望回歸 may every year new sets of eyes learn 多希望每一年都有新的目光來學習 Jipangu the images of tracks unbeaten 我始終心心念念黃金孔雀城 recollect and sweeten 追憶過去心中甚是欣慰 for a stay nice and short like a haiku 短暫卻又美好就像緋句那般 dear Jipangu I wish to thank you 親愛的黃金孔雀城啊我想要感謝你 Jipangu the images of tracks unbeaten 我始終心心念念黃金孔雀城 recollect and sweeten 追憶過去心中甚是欣慰 for a stay nice and short like a haiku 短暫卻又美好就像緋句那般 dear Jipangu I wish to thank you 親愛的黃金孔雀城啊我想要感謝你 to travel is to unravel the itinerary 去旅行是為了背棄老路 pick up the pieces and revel in unordinary 收拾殘局沉靜於不凡中 sceneries one after another a series of 一個接一個的場景一一閃過 picture story on a road show 一系列的照片串成故事去路演 coming to a town near you for a social gathering 一天來到了你鄰近的小鎮來參加一個聯誼會 villages catcher in the rice fields energies textures 稻田裡的村民們充滿活力 innocent smiles in fact its infectious 天真純潔的笑容真是極具感染力啊 in every prefecture its effective 在每一個地方它都是這樣的有力 a way to communicate 它是一種溝通的方式 break down the barrier linguistic 打破了語言的障礙 dont get it twisted 別讓它消失 straight as an arrow on a bow in case you missed it 就讓它像離弦之箭一樣直接以防你錯過了它 bamboo shoots towards the gifted 像竹筍那樣最原始最天真的永遠是最好的 gods in the heavens and gods on earth 神啊在天堂或是在人間的 walking amongst us as winds and the dirt 遊走於我們之中像風又像塵土 ashes to ashes and dust to dust 塵歸塵土歸土 why my mind is awake from dawn to dusk 為什麼從黎明到黃昏我的思緒都如此清明 Jipangu the images of tracks unbeaten 我始終心心念念黃金孔雀城 recollect and sweeten 追憶過去心中甚是欣慰 for a stay nice and short like a haiku 短暫卻又美好就像緋句那般 dear Jipangu I wish to thank you 親愛的黃金孔雀城啊我想要感謝你 Jipangu the images of tracks unbeaten 我始終心心念念黃金孔雀城 recollect and sweeten 追憶過去心中甚是欣慰 for a stay nice and short like a haiku 短暫卻又美好就像緋句那般 dear Jipangu I wish to thank you 親愛的黃金孔雀城啊我想要感謝你 see the prints of wood blocks 看到木塊上的圖案 gold leaves and lacquer box 金色的樹葉和刷了漆的盒子 gardens with sands and rocks 有著沙石的花園 artisan craftsmanship 手工工藝 its the spirit of our ancestors 這都是我們祖先的智慧啊 still living with respect to 活著帶著對先人的敬畏 the past and the clock is set to 時光現在 the present whats ahead is a mystery 在我們前面的是未知和神秘 a unique gem in the course of a history 歷史是多麼珍貴的一課