- King Krule Biscuit Town 歌詞
- King Krule
- I seem to sink lower
我似乎沉醉其中 Gazing in the rays of the solar 陽光下的凝視裡 In fact we made a pact but now i think its over 事實上,我們達成了協議,但卻言而無信 I'm red and wired but he sipped on KA soda 我是熱烈的迷醉的,但他卻抿了蘇打水 *** *,that's coca-cola 去他的,那是可樂 As TV sports the Olympic Ebola 電視報導著有關奧運會埃博拉病毒的事(世界衛生組織要求2016年里約奧運會延期或轉場) I think we might be bipolar 我認為我們都是一類人(bipolar disorder即躁鬱症) I think she thinks i'm bipolar 我想她看穿了我 He left the crime scene without the Motorola 他留下了手機就離開了犯罪現場 Still had dreams of being young Franco Zola 仍然懷有年輕夢的Franco Zola For at least for now its all over 至少現在塵埃落定 Yeah at least for now its all over 起碼現在一了百了 I seem to sink lower 我好像沉溺其中 In biscuit town 在餅乾鎮 In biscuit town 在餅乾鎮 Your shallow waters i'm the deep sea bed and i'm the reason you flow 你是淺灣我是深海,我是你流動的原因 I got more moons wrapped around my head and Jupiter knows 她們趨之若鶩,主神知道(羅馬朱庇特、希臘宙斯實為同一人) Whilst you orbit with some stupider hoes 雖然你曾經放蕩不羈 Only a slacker would know 只有懶鬼才會知道 Tryna get up in group home 試著在教養院中起床 Tryna eat from the same bowl 嘗試用同一個碗吃飯 And my troop is abode (she's like) 我們猶如行屍走肉(就像她) I seem to sink lower 我好像沉溺其中 In biscuit town 在餅乾鎮 In biscuit town 在餅乾鎮 I seem to sink lower 我好像沉溺其中 In biscuit town 在餅乾鎮 In biscuit town 在餅乾鎮 In biscuit town 在餅乾鎮 And now i'm caught off by the taste in her mouth 如今我被她的味道所吸引 She whispers all about 她低聲說 She got a mystery man deep down south 她在南境認識了一個神秘的人 And no more wheelers ,dealers creeping about 那裡廖無人煙 At least none that she knows 除了她無人知曉 From the 扔掉煩惱 Til i'm rolled up in the same old dutch [Thrown away so much] Need a touch forth of my libido 借酒消愁(old dutch即純銅酒杯) And now she steadily hitting speed cones 我已臨崖勒馬(libido即力比多,性驅力) As we proceed to a street dome [Need a touch of thought for my libido] In the body not a weak bone 而她如脫韁之馬(Hit cone在賽車裡即撞上了定位樁) A strong mind but she still got a side for a people [And now she's nearly hitting speed cones] Not that she knows 但當我們前往StreetDome(StreetDome即丹麥巨型滑雪公園) That's what he knows 她的軀體不再是副弱骨頭 In biscuit town [ In her body not a weak bone] I seem to sink lower 她雖有個聰明的腦袋,但仍有愚蠢的一面 In biscuit town [A strong mind, but she still got sight for a peep hole] In biscuit town 不是她知道的 In biscuit town 而是他所知道的 In biscuit town 在餅乾鎮 In biscuit town 我好像沉溺其中 In biscuit town 在餅乾鎮 In biscuit town 在餅乾鎮