- Joshua Hyslop runs & winds 歌詞
- Joshua Hyslop
- I'm sitting by the river let the water come and wash away my fear
. I listen to the water all the harmonies that fall upon my ear 坐在河邊任清水潺潺流過也洗去不安 Let my eyes see through illusions 河水涓涓的和諧之音縈繞耳際 Let my heart be wild and free 讓我的雙眸能看清幻象 Let the truth come down from the mountain 讓我的心靈徹底地自由 As the river runs and winds its way to me 讓真理不再是遙不可及 Wooo 如同河水環繞沉浸了我 I wrestle with my demons, with my weakness, with my insecurity And I know they come in seasons, though it's clearer to me now 我在跟心魔作抗爭,跟軟肋作鬥爭,跟不安作對抗 They wont leave 它們總是周期地出現,即使現在被我看得一清二楚 Let my hands be used for lifting 它們也不會落荒而逃 Let my lips speak naught but truth 但願我有一雙強健有力的大手 Let my feet be swift and certain, 但願我有一張直說真話的唇舌 As I walk along this path searching for you 但願我有一雙敏捷篤定的腿腳 Let my eyes see through illusions 當我在找尋你的路上行進 Let my heart be wild and free 但願我有一雙看清幻象的眼睛 Let the truth come down from the mountains 但願我有一顆自由自在的心靈 As the river runs and winds 但願真理不再是遙不可及 The river runs and winds 就如同放縱不羈奔流向前的河流 As the river runs and winds it's way to me 放縱不羈奔流向前的河流