- Joshua Hyslop Falling 歌詞
- Joshua Hyslop
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. When it all starts coming 愛情裹著蜜意而來,甜美至極 When it all starts crumbling down 愛情走了卻把彩色回憶一併帶走,留下黑與白 As the water through the canyon it weaves and wanders all around 溪水從山谷中迂迴流出,環繞在一起 I will take the least resistance 我心底最後的防線就快要崩潰 I will keep my eyes on the ground 只能低頭不語,不敢有眼神交流 It's been a while since we've spoken 我們已有一陣子沒有說話了 Still I haven't got the words right now 我仍然尷尬地不知道要如何開口 I'm falling for answers to questions that I cannot face 對那些不願意麵對的道聽途說我竟信以為真 The reason I always look away 這就是我轉頭逃避你的原因 I look away, yeah 逃避你 In the middle of this moment 此時此刻 If we should rise and fall again 如果我們重新開始愛情的旅程 If uncertainty surrounds you 當你開始懷疑周圍的一切 And you cannot seem to catch your breath 而各種不確定越積越多甚至壓抑著你無法呼吸 Oh, remember our intentions 也要記得愛情目的地 How we'd lift our eyes and hope for the best 為彼此的幸福在未來的道路上相互攙扶 We are weathered, we are broken 雖然現在的我們處在狂風暴雨的不堪境地 But we haven't reached the end yet 但這不是終點,前方的山清水秀在等著我們 I'm falling for answers to questions that I cannot face 對那些不願意麵對的道聽途說我竟信以為真 The reason I always look away 這就是我轉頭逃避你的原因 I'm falling for answers to questions that I cannot face 對那些不願意麵對的道聽途說我竟信以為真 The reason I always look away 這就是我轉頭逃避你的原因 I look away, yeah 逃避你 I look away 逃避你 I look away, yeah 逃避你