- AngelMaker Ada RKO們 歌詞
- AngelMaker
- Disgusting little creatures,
噁心的小蟲子們, Soon all of you will feel my hate and suffer as I have suffered. 很快你們全都會感受到我的仇恨, 切身體會我曾遭受的痛苦 To my dearest lover, I may never return home 致予我的摯愛: 我恐怕再也不能歸家 There is a demon plaguing our lands and I must protect our home 惡魔帶來瘟疫與災禍摧殘我們的土地, 而我必須保衛家園 Sickness is upon these lands, these mangled bodies in our hands 疫病橫行這片大地,我們捧起面目全非的遺體 Behold a day of woe and sorrow 苦難與悲痛之日即將到來 Together we await the storm 我們一同等待風暴 A demonic colossus, has death himself come to claim us? 駭人的龐然巨物從天而降,彷彿死神親赴戰場收割性命 Our world has fallen to fade 我們的世界就此隕落,灰飛煙滅化為虛無 The sickened disease of this human race has come and gone 惡疾席捲人類又匆匆離去 I miss my friends and family, I feel so alone 我想念朋友與家人,這份孤獨難以承受 The darkest days approach me, how long can I hold? 最黑暗的日子逐漸逼近,我還能堅持多久? My will is fading but my chaos will unfold 意志力漸漸離我而去, 但我的狂亂即將爆發! As I walk I can feel the pain 行走時我感到難忍的疼痛亦步亦趨 I go on, will I die in vain? 再繼續下去會不會白白送命? Is this the end of me? 這就是結局嗎? 我是否氣數已盡? Frozen in still figure, I stood in the gaze of 如墜冰窟般, 我在野獸如炬的目光中動彈不得 The beast that the legend has foretold of, this famine 傳說所預言的兇殘惡獸, 名為飢荒 His sickness consumes me, his eyes see right through me 他的病態將我吞噬, 他的雙眼看透我的內心 Consuming my courage, my fury unleashed 我的勇氣消耗殆盡, 滔天怒火驟然爆發 Its revolting appearance pales only in comparison 它散發腐臭氣息的猙獰面孔令人作嘔 To its despicable cruelty done unto the innocent 它對無辜者犯下的卑劣罪行罄竹難書 Battered and broken as I lay so weak 身負重傷, 體無完膚, 我虛弱地躺在血泊中 Slaughtered inbloodbath, my will achieved 凶獸已被斬殺, 我終於得償所願 Smothered in victory, my odyssey 勝利使我窒息, 漫長的生死對決讓呼吸停滯 My heart turns black, as I become the beast 心臟被黑色覆蓋, 我逐漸變成野獸的模樣 Purpose has spilt from me 初衷已經泯滅, 我的理念喪失了意義 I cannot live this life of disease 我不能容忍這般病態扭曲的生活 The abyss gaping beneath 深淵在下方張開漆黑巨口 I plummet away from suffering 我縱身躍下,從無盡的苦難中逃離