- AngelMaker Into Oblivion 歌詞
- AngelMaker
- I have this dream where I'm in a field
夢境中我置身一片原野 Flowers and sunlight, a place so surreal 繁花與陽光,如夢似幻美不勝收 And I can see you standing just out of reach 你佇立近在咫尺好似觸手可及 And as I meet your embrace you always sink beneath 然而每當我上前擁抱,你總是消失無形 Molded conclusions, forged in our illusions 澆鑄既定的結論,於幻像中臆造 But when the mind's still, there is no burden 若內心歸於平靜,束縛便不復存在 The hour of my blood runs stale, I let go 當血跡乾涸開始腐壞,我放下一切 Existence opens up its jaws, swallow me whole 存在本質張開雙顎,將我吞噬入腹 At one with peace as I drift ever listlessly 我死氣沉沉地漂泊於虛空,感受前所未有的平靜祥和 In my dreams I can live for eternity 紛雜夢境中我卻生機盎然永世長存 Can this be my illusion of denial? 這究竟是幻覺還是自我否認? I am forever dreaming 我無休無止地做著夢 As I wilt with the wind my reflection is dying within 隨風凋零枯萎我的記憶也逐漸死去 Longing to rid my body of decay, my blood runs cold 渴望清除體內的腐朽,血液漸冷 This grip around my neck tightens its hold 扼住我脖頸的手再次收緊 Dive into the gallows of perpetual blackness 潛入無盡漆黑所鑄的絞刑架 Of all the love 所有曾經的愛意 Photos and memories, moments of ecstasy, losing my sanity 相片與回憶,喜悅的瞬間,我的理智正逐漸喪失 Now I refrain to the blackest oblivion 我極力抑制遁入遺忘的深黑之淵 As I wither away, reality is haunting me 當我步入寂滅消亡,現實對我糾纏不休 This body yearns to be free 這具軀體渴望自由 Tilting on the verge of sanity my mind is but calamity 理性的邊緣傾斜失衡,我的內心陷入浩劫 This world will be the death of me 這個世界終將造就我的死亡 I long to sleep 我渴求長眠 The clock is ticking 時鐘滴答作響 I'm losing hope 萬念俱灰 I'm at the end of my ****ing rope 我已經瀕臨該死的絕境 I'm too tirednow with every breath I choke 疲憊不堪每一次呼吸都伴隨著哽噎窒息 Into oblivion 陷入昏迷 I will now float 此刻我漂浮於虛無中 Dances of this lucid dream are taunting me 輕快飛舞的清晰夢境奚落著我 Let the river take hold of me 讓洪流將我徹底掌控 My vision is all but dark as the melody warms my heart 視野幾近黯淡無光,悠揚的旋律溫暖心臟 And as my final breathe now leaves my chest 當最後一口氣離開胸膛 All I feel is weightlessness 失重感令我輕如鴻毛 And as the icy grip of death warms my soul 死亡的冰涼之握溫暖我的靈魂 Colours and memories begin to flow 光怪陸離的記憶圖景流轉蕩漾 To dream forever is a dream in itself 永恆的夢境本身亦是大夢一場 Its ****ing beautiful come see for yourself 來親眼一睹這絕美的奇景吧 All I know is you're by my side and now I can breathe 此刻你正伴我身邊我終能再度呼吸 For in a field of flowers I found blissful peace 在這片爛漫花海中我尋得極樂與安寧