- 清明雨 Inferno【雙A女聲】 歌詞
- 蒼風 清明雨
- 翻唱:清明雨&蒼風
火之痕跡 Trails of fire 你總是知曉 You always knew 他們將帶我找到歸宿 They would carry me home 他們會將我帶回你身旁 They'd lead me to you 火之痕跡 Trails of fire 你總是知曉 You always knew 他們將帶我歸宿 They would carry me home 他們會將我帶回你身旁 They'd lead me to you
就算你無法看見太陽 Though you can't see the sun 新的一天仍將繼續 A new day has begun 被警笛聲驚醒 And I fall out of bed 我從床上翻下 to a siren call 從掛於牆上的框中 In the frame on the wall 看見你與你的伙伴 See you in fire 在火中朝我微笑 You guys are smiling at me 而你振奮了我 And you inspire
僅是讓他們就此離去 Not good enough 並不完美 If I just let them get away 還要讓他們付出代價我才會滿意! Not satisfied until I'm making 'em pay! 你知道嗎?我是個為冒險瘋狂的傻瓜 I'm a fool for adventure, you know? 我感覺熊熊烈火在心中燃燒 Inside my heart feelin' the inferno!
將目光聚焦於高處 Barely catchin' my breath 這使我幾乎喘不過氣來 Lay my eyes on the crest 將所有剩餘的熱情於以均衡 Gonna square up to all of the heat that is left 因此,我將戰火燃燒到了地獄之中 So, I carry the torch to inferno! 猶如地獄之境 Inferno! 離開於此境之外 It's out of the park 我又笑了 And I'm smilin' again 讓我們動身吧 Here we go
我早已了解 I know I know 我早已知曉 I know I know 不管你身處何處 I will be here for you 我都會在此等著你 Wherever you go 是的,我早已知曉 Yeah, I know 我早已了解 I know I know 我早已知曉 I know I know 不管你身處何處 I will be here for you 我都會在此等著你 Wherever you go 是的,我早已知曉 Yeah, I know
就算你說你不明白 Say I don't understand 我也不會感到厭惡 But I don't give a damn 即使你告訴我我永不會登頂 Even told me that I wouldn't reach the top 我也依舊會遵循著前人之路 But I follow my grandfathers' journey 只因我知道我終會成為我所想成為的人 I know I can be the man that I should be
喝了杯咖啡,抓起我的斧頭,之後衝了出去 I down a coffee, grab my axe and then I'm out 內心的憤怒使我歇斯底里 I got a rage inside that's making me shout 你知道嗎?對於戰鬥,我感到很激昂 I get high on the fighting, you know? 我感覺熊熊烈火在心中燃燒 Inside my heart feelin' the inferno!
將目光聚焦於高處 Barely catchin' my breath 這使我幾乎喘不過氣來 Lay my eyes on the crest 將所有剩餘的熱情於以均衡 Gonna square up to all of the heat that is left 因此,我將戰火燃燒到了地獄之中 So, I carry the torch to inferno! 猶如地獄之境 Inferno! 離開於此境之外 It's out of the park 我又笑了 And I'm smilin' again 讓我們動身吧 Here we go
我早已了解 I know I know 我早已知曉 I know I know 不管你身處何處 I will be here for you 我都會在此等著你 Wherever you go 是的,我早已知曉 Yeah, I know 我早已了解 I know I know 我早已知曉 I know I know 不管你身處何處 I will be here for you 我都會在此等著你 Wherever you go 是的,我早已知曉 Yeah, I know
火之痕跡 Trails of fire 你總是知曉 You always knew 他們將帶我找到歸宿 They would carry me home 他們會將我帶回你身旁 They'd lead me to you 火之痕跡 Trails of fire 你總是知曉 You always knew 他們將帶我找到歸宿 They would carry me home 他們會將我帶回你身旁 They'd lead me to you
我的一生的意義 All my life 就是為了去尋找 Been searching for 我曾失去的地方 The place I lost 而這也是我曾熱愛過的地方 It's what I adore 並且我的一生的意義 And all my life 亦是為了希望 Been hoping for 有個幸福的生活 A happy life for me
將目光聚焦於高處 Barely catchin' my breath 這使我幾乎喘不過氣來 Lay my eyes on the crest 將所有剩餘的熱情於以均衡 Gonna squareup to all of the heat that is left 因此,我將戰火燃燒到了地獄之中 So, I carry the torch to inferno! 猶如地獄之境 Inferno! 離開於此境之外 It's out of the park 我又笑了 And I'm smilin' again 讓我們動身吧 Here we go
我早已了解 I know I know 我早已知曉 I know I know 不管你身處何處 I will be here for you 我都會在此等著你 Wherever you go 是的,我早已知曉 Yeah, I know 我早已了解 I know I know 我早已知曉 I know I know 不管你身處何處 I will be here for you 我都會在此等著你 Wherever you go 是的,我早已知曉 Yeah, I know
火之痕跡 Trails of fire 你總是知曉 You always knew 他們將帶我找到歸宿 They would carry me home 他們會將我帶回你身旁 They'd lead me to you 火之痕跡 Trails of fire 你總是知曉 You always knew 他們將帶我找到歸宿 They would carry me home 他們會將我帶回你身旁 They'd lead me to you
火之痕跡 Trails of fire 你總是知曉 You always knew 他們將帶我找到歸宿 They would carry me home 他們會將我帶回你身旁 They'd lead me to you 火之痕跡 Trails of fire 你總是知曉 You always knew 他們將帶我找到歸宿 They would carry me home 他們會將我帶回你身旁 They'd lead me to you