- Mili War of Shame 歌詞
- Mili
- War of Shame (ワーオブシェイム) - Mili
你得不到什麼好處 There isnt anything to gain 收手吧收手吧趁現在 Stop it stop it now 給我立刻停下來 Stop it right now 儘管張嘴胡言 Just open your mouth 啐沫如彈雨橫飛 Spit the bullets out 但請傾聽自己的內心 Listen to your heart 它們才陳述著真實 They are speaking the truth 已逝的青澀不值得我們嘆息 Theres no point crying over our wasted youth 來吧解放你自己 Come let yourself out 投身於這場與羞恥心的戰爭 In this war of shame Oh 投入你的身心 Oh let yourself in 到這場與自己廉恥心的戰鬥 In this war of shame 恥辱之戰 War of Shame 帶我回家我親愛的 Take me home my love 戰爭可不是我們的歸屬 War is not where we belong 所以我會乖乖脫下內衣 So I pulled down my pants 我就要赤身示人 Im exposed to everyone 我最純粹的時刻 In my simplest moments 我自由了 I am free 從羞恥心中解放 Free of shame 槍林彈雨 And the fire rained 從頭頂傾注而下 Rained upon me 我低頭看去 Then I looked down 看到我的肉體是如此美麗 Saw my body so pretty 它多美啊 Its so pretty 多可惜 Its a pity 我卻總是以它為恥過去一直 Ive been ashamed of me all this time Ooh Ooh 正如世上的孩子們都是我們的血親 Cause all the children of this world are our children 無論貧富貴賤我們本質都是均等同一 And no matter how rich or poor were only as great as the average 所以我拉起了我的裙擺 So I pulled up my dress 將自己暴露給所有人 Im exposed to everyone 在這最純粹的時刻 In my simplest moments 我自由了 I am free 從自慚形穢的羞恥中解放 Free of shame 你們的目光如雨注 And your eyes rained 從頭頂傾注而下 Rained upon me 你低頭看去 Then you looked down 卻看到我肉體已破繭成蝶 Saw my body so different 脫胎換骨 Its so different 但這點變化可沒法將你我從那前線分離啊 Yet no difference can separate you and me on the front line 那羞恥可笑的戰爭 A war of shame 我們都得不到什麼好處 There isnt anything to gain Oh 休戰吧 Oh stop 停下來吧 Stop it now 趁現在停下吧 Stop it right now 張開雙臂 Open your arms 讓他們看到你的全身一切 Show them all youve got