- Brandi Carlile Raise Hell 歌詞
- Brandi Carlile
- Ive been down with a broken heart since the day I learned to speak.
惡魔賞我踏遍崎嶇的雙足,何嘗不是賜我一個扭曲的開始 The devil gave me a crooked start when he gave me crooked feet. 但上帝的使者在我睡夢中走來吻向我(加百利是聖經中的七大天使之一,上帝傳送好消息給人類的使者)
[例句] But Gabriel done came to me and kissed me in my sleep, 而我將如天使般吟唱,直到我被埋葬於六尺之下
我察覺自己似是個預兆,因此我將花紋刺在這標誌上 And Ill be singing like an angel until Im six feet deep. 我下定決心要遊蕩於世間,走上一條不歸之路
你想讓我安分下來,那你可以儘管試試 I found myself an omen and I tattooed on a sign 懂時務的男人早就屈膝,年齡稍長的則已經死亡
我將大鬧,大鬧一番 I set my mind to wandering and I walk a broken line. 這是一個無人來講述的故事
那你何不同我一起狂歡作樂 You have a mind to keep me quiet and although you can try, 現在請繼續按響鈴聲吧
你曾被閃電擊中,也跌入過澄澈明亮的藍色雙眸 Better men have hit their knees and bigger men have died. 我取下脖頸處的領帶,把我的整顆心都獻給你
雖然我沒有哭泣,但我仍將滿腔愛意送往海的彼岸 Im gonna raise, raise hell 而那聲音會縈繞在我的每一個夢中,直到我生命的最後一天
我將大鬧,大鬧一番 Theres a story no one tells 這是一個無人來講述的故事
那你何不同我一起狂歡作樂 You gotta raise, raise hell 現在請繼續按響鈴聲吧
我在心房裡掘了一個洞作為你的墳墓,並將你置於其中 Go on now ring that bell 此時此刻,媽媽沒有養任何奴隸,僅僅就是你和我二人
你用雙手捧起我的臉,注視著我的雙眼 You came upon a lightning strike and eyes of bright clear blue 而我被這奇特的吸引力帶領到你的墓穴中,就這樣與你一同平躺著
我將大鬧,大鬧一番 I took a tie from around my neck and gave my heart to you. 這是一個無人來講述的故事
那你何不同我一起狂歡作樂 I sent my love across the sea and though I didnt cry 現在請按響鈴聲吧
正如往常一樣按響鈴聲 That voice will haunt my every dream until the day I die. 現在請按響鈴聲吧
正如往常一樣按響鈴聲 Im gonna raise, raise hell Theres a story no one tells
You gotta raise, raise hell
Go on now ring that bell
I dug a hole inside my heart to put you in your grave.
At this point it was you and me, and mama didnt raise no slave.
You took my face in both your hands and looked me in the eye
And I went down with such a force that in your grave I lie.
Im gonna raise, raise hell
Theres a story no ones telling
You gotta raise, raise hell
Go on now ring that bell
Go on now ring that bell
Go on now ring that bell
Go on now ring that bell