- Ruel someone else S problem 歌詞
- Ruel
- Its scary letting go
釋懷放手實在可怖 I know, I know, I know, I know 我深知我深以為然 Its hard to be alone 孑然一身實在難捱 But I know Ill find a way to cope 而我定會尋得應對之策
I thought Id be upset 我以為悲傷會瀰漫四野 I thought Id have regrets 我曾想後悔會湧上心頭 Without you in my head 你不再縈繞在我腦海
Ooh, every day is getting better 哦每日的心情愈發明媚 Now the rain finally let up 而今終於雨過天晴 Nobody to stress me out 無人予我壓力 Youre someone elses problem now 此刻你不再是我的麻煩 Really dodged me a bullet 逃過一劫 I can sleep easy knowing 終能高枕無憂得知 Knowing that youre not around 得知你不在我左右 Youre someone elses problem now 你終於化身他人的困擾 Ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh Ooh Youre someone elses problem now 此刻你不再是我的麻煩
Nothings getting overblown 無需誇大其詞 No ones jealous, no ones crying driving home 不再心生嫉妒不再淚流滿面驅車歸家 I wont miss the way you lie 我絕不會留戀你撒謊的神情 And the games you played to get a rise 絕不會想念你心血來潮的把戲
oh no, I used to be obsessed 我以為我會著迷於此 Now I couldnt care less 此刻我云淡風輕 Ever since you left 自從你離開後
Ooh, Every day is getting better 哦每日的心情愈發明媚 Now the rain finally let up 而今終於雨過天晴 Nobody to stress me out 無人予我壓力 Youre someone elses problem now 此刻你不再是我的麻煩 Really dodged me a bullet 逃過一劫 I can sleep easy knowing 終能高枕無憂得知 Knowing that youre not around 得知你不在我左右 Youre someone elses problem now 你終於化身他人的困擾 Ooh, ooh, ooh -ooh Ooh You're someone elses problem now 此刻你不再是我的麻煩 Ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh Ooh Youre someone elses problem 你終於化身他人的困擾 Now whoever you find next 如今不管你下一任是哪位 No, I wish, I wish them all the best 不那我便祝祝他們萬事順意吧