- The World Will Know 歌詞 Jeremy Jordan and Company
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- Jeremy Jordan and Company The World Will Know 歌詞
- Jeremy Jordan and Company
- Pulitzer and Hearst, they think we're nothing
普利策和赫斯特覺得我們微不足道 Are we nothing 我們是嗎? No 不是 Pulitzer and Hearst, they think they got us 普利策和赫斯特覺得這樣就能把我們打倒 Do they got us 我們倒了嗎? No 沒有! Even though we ain't got hats or badges 雖然我們沒有統一的帽子和徽章 We're a union just by saying so 但只要我們彼此同意,我們的公會就此成立 And the world will know《 世界》終會知道(雙關,世界和《世界報》) What's it gonna take to stop the wagons 要怎樣做才能阻止這前進的馬車 Are we ready 準備好了嗎? Yeah 準備好了! What's it gonna take to stop the scabbers 要怎麼做才能阻止這些卑鄙小人? Can we do it 我們做得到嗎? Yeah 做得到! We'll do what we gotta do 我們定要竭盡全力 Until we break the will of mighty Bill and Joe 直到粉碎比爾和老喬這幫大人物的陰謀詭計 And the world will know《 世界》終會領教 And the journal too《 日報》也跑不了 Mister Hearst and Pulitzer,have we got news for you 赫斯特和普利策先生,我們有新聞送到 See, the world don't know 世界太小看我們 But they're gonna pay 他們一定會付出代價 'Stead of hawkin' headlines we'll be makin' 'em today 不必費心尋找,我們就是今天報紙的頭條 And our ranks will grow 我們的地位會提升 And we' ll kick their rear 給他們一個措手不及 And the world will know that we been here 世界會知道到我們一直堅守在此地 When the circulation bell starts ringing, will we hear it 報社鈴聲再響起時,我們要不要理會? No 不要! What if the Delancey's come out swinging? Will we hear it 德蘭西兄弟再出來頤指氣使時,我們會不會忍氣吞聲? No 不會! When ya got a hundred voices singing, who can hear a lousy whistle blow 我們有千萬把聲音匯聚,誰還要聽那討厭的哨音 And the world will know 世界終會知道 That this ain't no game 這絕不是玩鬧 That we got a ton of rotten fruit and perfect aim 我們準備好的爛水果早就瞄準了目標 So they gave their word 他們撂下了狠話 Well, it ain't worth beans 根本就不值一提 Now they're gonna see what 'Stop the presses' really means 今天就讓他們看看“停止出版”真正的意義 And the old will weep, and go back to sleep 老傢伙們只能暗自哭泣,早點滾回去歇息 And we got no choice but to see it through 我們斷了所有後路,只能奮戰到底 And we found our voice 我們發出了屬於自己的聲音 And I lost my shoe 把我鞋子也弄丟了 And the world will 世界終究會知道 Pulitzer may own the world but he don't own us 普利茲雖擁有《世界報》,但絕對無法支配我們 Pulitzer may own the world but he don't own us 普利茲雖擁有《世界報》,但絕對無法支配我們 Pulitzer may crack the whip but he won't whip us 普利策雖手段殘暴,但也無法擊退我們 Pultizer may crack the whip but he won't whip us 普利策雖手段殘暴,但也無法擊退我們 And the world will know 世界終會知道 We been keepin' score 我們一路高歌猛進 Either they gives us our rights or we gives them a war 要么保證我們的權利,要么我們揭竿而起 We been down too long 這壓迫太長久 And we paid our dues 我們的權益必須有 And the things we do today will be tomorrow's news 今天我們的所作所為定會佔領明日的報紙版頭 And the die is cast, and the torch is passed 大局已定,星火燎原 And a roar will rise from the streets below 從底層升起一股震天的咆哮聲 And our ranks will grow and grow and grow 我們的地位將會一點一點,穩步提升 And so the world will feel our fire and finally know 世界終會感受到我們的怒火,聽見我們的呼聲 Pulitzer may own the world but he don't own us 普利茲雖擁有《世界報》,但絕對無法支配我們 Pulitzer may own the world but he don't own us 普利茲雖擁有《世界報》,但絕對無法支配我們 Pulitzer may crack the whip but he won't whip us 普利策雖手段殘暴,但也無法擊退我們 Pulitzer may crack the whip but he won't whip us 普利策雖手段殘暴,但也無法擊退我們 So the world says 'No!' 既然世界把我們拒之門外 Well the kids do too 我們也不會坐以待斃 Try to walk all over us, we'll stomp all over you 想要踐踏我們的尊嚴,我們必將以眼還眼 Can they kick us out 他們是否有本事趕盡殺絕? Take away our vote 豈能奪走我們投票的權利? Will we let 'em stuff this crock of garbage down our throat 難道能任由他們的卑劣手段扼住我們的咽喉 No 不能! Everyday we wait is a day we lose 每多一天的等待,就是多一分的失敗 And this ain't for fun! And it ain't for show 這不是玩笑,也不只是耍耍熱鬧 And we'll fight 'em toe to toe to toe 我們將要做的,是正面交鋒,是殊死抵抗 And Joe, your world will feel the fire and finally, finally know 世界終會感受到我們的怒火,領教我們的力量!