- Empire Cast Good People 歌詞
- Empire Cast
- Good People
好人 Empire Cast 嘻哈帝國 Sometimes it's hard to pray. 有時祈禱不易 Sometimes, it's hard to stay grateful 有時感恩很難 It's painful 肝腸寸斷 Hurts so bad 痛不欲生 Sometimes it's hard to be 有時做人艱辛 It's hard to keep going 難以堅持 But we keep holding on to what could have been 卻鍥而不捨憧憬可能的美好 But we'll get by, we see the light 歷經磨難就會見到曙光 In the morning, it's gonna be all right. 清晨來臨一切講變得美好 Circumstance 命運 Is in the plan 冥冥中自有安排 Even if we don't fully understand 即便心生疑惑 Why the bad things 為何好人 Happen to the good people 不得好報
有時祈禱不易 Sometimes it's hard to pray 有時保持耐心不易 Sometimes it's hard to be patient 我很討厭 Oh I'm hating 痛不欲生 Yeah hurts so bad 有時候很難相信 Sometimes it's hard to believe 所以難以堅持 So hard to keep going 卻鍥而不捨 We keep holding 憧憬可能的美好 On to what have been 歷經磨難 But we'll get by 就會見到曙光 We'll see the light 清晨來臨一切講變得美好 In the morning it's gonna be alright 命運 Circumstance 冥冥中自有安排 Is in the plan 即便心生疑惑 Even if we don't fully understand why 為何好人 The bad things 不得好報 Happen to the good people 痛不欲生 So much pain 可作前車之鑑 It's still a lesson 風雨來臨 Sometimes it rains 可作福氣之兆 It's still a blessing 風雨後不見陽光 You never see the silver lining in the cloud 讓你懷疑一切 And so you doubt it 失去之前 You never know how much 不知曾經擁有幾多 You truly have until you go without it 斗轉星移時機總會來臨 One day it's going to turn into another season 不變初心 (Don't change) 將會見證 You're going to see that 一切苦難都是一種賜福 All your tragedy you had was for another reason 暫別而已 It's just a temporary good-bye 要挺起胸膛 So you got to keep your head high 傾盆大雨洶湧來襲 The rain is coming down and it's pouring 但喜悅講劃破清晨的曙光 But joy is gonna come inside the morning 歷經磨難 We'll get by 磨難 (By) 就會見到曙光(yeah) We see the light (yeah) 清晨來臨 In the morning 一切將美好如初(否極泰來) It's gonna be all right (it's gonna be okay baby) 命運 Circumstance 蒼天眷顧 (The lord gotcha ) 冥冥中自有安排 Is in the pain 我將一路隨行 (And I gotcha) 即便心生疑惑 Even if we don't fully understand why 心生疑惑 Understand why 心生疑惑為何好人不得好報 Understand why the bad things happen to the good people