- 王嘉爾 Made It 歌詞
- 王嘉爾
- 編曲: 王嘉爾/BOYTOY
坐在嶄新的跑車上馳騁 We should get some chills 讓我們嗨起來 Pulling up in them brand news wheels 不需要腰纏萬貫 Don't need couple hundred mills 照樣在比佛利山莊昂首闊步 Walking Rodeo Beverly Hills 勿忘初心堅持自我 We should get some chills 讓我們嗨起來 Ambition we keep it trill 我才不在乎你的想法 Ain't no matter 'bout what you feel 緊繃的神經拜託放鬆一下 Slow down we can get some chills ey 天天都像假日狂歡般樂趣不斷 Gotta get them chills, party like every day Sunday 每時每刻都像生日轟趴般氛圍高漲 Gotta get them chills, celebrate like every day birthday 縱情狂歡就像穿行在永無止境的高速公路 Rock it like we driving through the endless highway 我的血液裡奔湧著著瘋狂的派對因子 All them Party DNA inside my blood 所有人的手機都給我扔掉 Catch me throwing away all them phones 沒人能阻止,今夜我們要忘情歡呼 Can't stop me, we gon chill and party I announce 卸下壓力忘卻所有瘋狂到天明 Catch me, we gon party with no stress 'til noon 時間尚早你可不許心生退意 Don't think about leaving right now it's too soon 我們要嗨到極致(我們做到了!) We gon ball so hard we made it 我們要展翅高飛(我們做到了! ) Fly so high we made it 我們要一直酷炫到底(我們做到了!) Dripping all along we made it 告訴眾人我們胸有成竹(我們做到了!) Tell them we got the sauce we made it 我們要嗨到極致(我們做到了!) Ball so hard we made it 我們要展翅高飛(我們做到了!) Fly so high we made it 我們要一直酷炫到底(我們做到了!) Dripping all along we made it 告訴眾人我們胸有成竹(我們做到了!) Tell them we got the sauce we made it 靠自己,我做到了! Aye one man, I made it 我們全部,都做到了! Ya we all, we made it 靠自己,我做到了! Aye one man, I made it 我們全部,都做到了! Ya we all, we made it 靠自己,我做到了! Aye one man, I made it 我們全部,都做到了! Ya we all, we made it 靠自己,我做到了! Aye one man, I made it 我們全部,都做到了! Ya we all, we made it 我就是獨一無二的王嘉爾 I'm just who I am 沒時間為別人浪費 Got no time for them 世界之大任我暢遊,路途擁堵無法忍受 I'll be traveling everywhere, can't stand no traffic jam 夢想伊始我創造著自己的節奏 I've been cooking them vibes since day one 編寫著屬於王嘉爾獨有的旋律 Putting WANG flavor all over them 融合著代表王嘉爾特有的品味 Getting that taste, put a little WANG sauce 所有人翹首以盼下一個獨嘉創造 All begging me for another one 已有王者風範 Walk talk it like a boss now 不過二十有四 24 be the year now 人生的這場豪賭 Got time for the bet now 我們願押上所有 We gon give it all out 生活跌宕起伏如過山車 Riding rollercoaster 我正享受著騰空的亢奮 Popping in the air now 所有過程都是寶貴經歷 Enjoying all the process 所有人的手機都給我扔掉 Catch me throwing away all them phones 沒人能阻止,今夜我們要忘情歡呼 Can't stop me, we gon chill and party I announce 卸下壓力忘卻所有瘋狂到天明 Catch me, we gon party with no stress 'til noon 時間尚早你可不許心生退意 Don't think about leaving right now it's too soon yeah 我們要嗨到極致(我們做到了!) We gon ball so hard we made it 我們要展翅高飛(我們做到了! ) Fly so high we made it 我們要一直酷炫到底(我們做到了!) Dripping all along we made it 告訴眾人我們胸有成竹(我們做到了!) Tell them we got the sauce, we made it 我們要嗨到極致(我們做到了!) Ball so hard we made it 我們要展翅高飛(我們做到了!) Fly so high we made it 我們要一直酷炫到底(我們做到了!) Dripping all along we made it 告訴眾人我們胸有成竹(我們做到了!) Tell them we got the sauce we made it 靠自己,我做到了! Aye one man, I made it 我們全部,都做到了! Ya we all, we made it 靠自己,我做到了! Aye one man, I made it 我們全部,都做到了! Ya we all, we made it 靠自己,我做到了! Aye one man, I made it 我們全部,都做到了! Ya we all, we made it 靠自己,我做到了! Aye one man, I made it 我們全部,都做到了! Ya we all, we made it