- 段宜恩 OM W 歌詞
- 段宜恩
- 編曲: 王嘉爾/BOYTOY
致我所夢 This is for my dream 致我所愛 This is for my love 心之所向我都將一一實現 I'll do anything I wanna do 正如你所知 You already know 我在磨礪中付諸努力 On my grind I put in work 心意已決 Determination in my soul 有很多不足之處但未來長路漫漫 부족한점많아갈길이멀었어 我從不輕言放棄no 쉽게포기하지않아No (你的)安慰是我唯一選擇的路 위로Is the only path I'm choosing (你的)安慰是我唯一要走的路 위로Is the only way I' m going 前方的路光明坦蕩我走在通往成功的路上 앞길은선명해성공할거분명해 耶耶 Yeah yeah 我奔跑著沿著我的方向 I'm running 그곳으로가고있어 再向前一點似乎就能看見光亮 조금만지나면다보일텐데 那段難捱的日子彷彿漫長幽暗的隧道 힘들땐어두운긴 터널과같아 但這又何嘗不是另外一種美麗的黑夜 Let's say it's another beautiful night 致我所夢 And this is for my dream 致我所愛 This is for my love 每一次奔跑 Every time I run 我都在向著更好的未來不斷前行 I'm just movin' on and on and on 致我所夢 This is for my dream 致我所愛 This is for my love 每一次奔跑 Every time I run 我都在向著更好的未來不斷前行 I'm just movin' on and on and on 我沿著這條路走 I'm walking down the hallway 一直等待著屬於我的這一天 Been waiting for the D-day 不顧旁人所言 No matter what they say 我踩著自己的步調 Go at my own pace 相信自己終能做到 Believing I can make it yeah 總有一天聚光燈會照在我身上 Spotlight shining at me one day yeah 而我的野心會為我指明方向 Ambition be my compass 我大聲吼著 I row I row 不顧一切 Like no tomorrow 我奔跑著沿著我的方向 I'm running 그곳으로가고있어 再向前一點彷彿就能看見光亮 조금만지나면다보일텐데 那段難捱的時光彷彿漫長幽暗的隧道 힘들땐어두운긴터널과같아 但這又何嘗不是另外一種美麗的夜晚 Let's say it's another beautiful night 致我所夢 And this is for my dream 致我所愛 This is for my love 每一次奔跑 Every time I run 我都在向著更好的未來不斷前行 I'm just movin' on and on and on 致我所夢 This is for my dream 致我所愛 This is for my love 每一次奔跑 Every time I run 我都在向著更好的未來不斷前行 I'm just movin' on and on and on 奮鬥的日子也讓我感到美好 There's beauty in the struggle 所以我終會發光 그래서나는빛나 不會再等了此時此刻 미룬적없어Right now 每一個瞬間都是屬於我的韻律 매순간 에My rhyme 世人對我的愛恨都讓我感到被命運眷顧 Hate or love it I'm so blessed 世人對我的愛恨都讓我感到被命運眷顧 Hate or love it I'm so blessed 如果你問我為什麼要過這樣的生活 If you tell me why 난나의삶을살아 不曾活在別人的期待中我有自己的風格 누가기대하든말든Keep it my way 世人對我的愛恨都讓我感到被命運眷顧 Hate or love it I'm so blessed 世人對我的愛恨都讓我感到被命運眷顧 Hate or love it I'm so blessed 致我所夢 And this is for my dream 致我所愛 This is for my love 每一次奔跑 Every time I run 我都在向著更好的未來不斷前行 I'm just movin' on and on and on 致我所夢 This is for my dream 致我所愛 This is for my love 每一次奔跑 Every time I run 我都在向著更好的未來不斷前行 I 'm just movin' on and on and on