- Mark Knopfler Lights Of Taormina 歌詞
- Mark Knopfler
- Lights of Taormina - Mark Knopfler
There's laughter in the darkness 黑夜中傳來歡聲笑語
音樂聲在海灣上空瀰漫 Music floating in across the bay 他靜靜聆聽著,心中卻湧起思緒
他怎麼就能夠讓她從自己的生命中溜走了呢 He's half listening and wondering 雖然事已久遠,但他仍然想知道
是否有人曾遇見過她 How he could have let her slip away 現在的他正獨自坐在茫茫夜色中
漫不經心地望著陶爾米納小鎮的點點燈光 So long ago but still he wants to know 那時候的他們還很年輕,愛情是那麼絢爛閃耀
就像雨後彩虹的綺麗顏色 If anyone has seen her 按捺不住的慾望幾乎可以令人窒息
纏綿的愛意也彷若火山之下繚繞的濃煙 And he's sitting out in the night 過了這麼久,他依然可以回味起她的香吻 Looking down upon the lights of Taormina 那甜得如同墨西拿的紅酒
現在的他正獨自坐在茫茫夜色中 They were young and love was shining 漫不經心地望著陶爾米納小鎮的點點燈光
回憶起來恍如隔世啊 Like the colours of the rainbow 那時的他們常常沿著海岸悠閒地漫步
真是如同過了幾個世紀啊 Desire felt like choking 她以前還喜歡把他叫做是她的“甜蜜先生” Love was smoking under the volcano 或許在來世的某天
在去往大海的一條小徑上 He can still taste her kisses 他們也許會相聚在那裡
人們呼喚著他們的統治者 Sweet as the red wine from Messina 高舉他們的雙手歡呼雀躍,向即將到來的國王致敬
但他已流浪了許久許久 Now he's sitting out in the night 再多的人群對於他也都如同煙雲 Looking down upon the lights of Taormina 他曾披甲帶戈,所向披靡,征服疆域
萬千個聲音在戰場之上盤旋呼嘯 Seems like another lifetime 而現在的他正獨自坐在茫茫夜色中 When they rambled along the shore 漫不經心地看著陶爾米納小鎮的點點燈光
他聽到歷史的編鐘 Seems like another lifetime 演奏著上帝與凡人之謎音,從未間斷 She used to call him her sweet senor 每個秘密都懷抱著古老的夢 Maybe in another lifetime 為奪取西西里島的戰役,還有那些斯巴達的女勇士 On a pathway to the sea 撥開古老遺蹟的迷霧
戰爭之船正從迦太基揚帆駛來 Maybe there they'll be 而現在的他正獨自坐在茫茫夜色中
漫不經心地看著陶爾米納小鎮的點點燈光 The crowd calls for the emperor 靜靜地坐在茫茫夜色中 Raise their hands to hail another king 漫不經心地看著陶爾米納小鎮的點點燈光
But he's been so long a wanderer Another crowd can never mean a thing
He came he saw he conquered Ten thousand voices roared in the arena
Now he's sitting out in the night Looking down upon the lights of Taormina
He hears the chimes of history Myths of gods and men forever ringing Ancient dreams in all their mystery Wars for Sicily and Spartan women
In the mists of antiquity
Ships of war set sail from Carthagina
Now he's sitting out in the night Looking down upon the lights of Taormina
Sitting out in the night Looking down upon the lights of Taormina