- Return to Sender show hand 歌詞
- Return to Sender
They had it all,just for an instant 他們坐擁著一切,卻注定過眼雲煙 So in the end Don't say you will never forgive 所以請別用怒火去消受當下的心結 And Im just an audience 而我只是芸芸中的一員 Passing by all these fancy phantoms 不曾摧眉折腰卻總糾纏於虛榮末節 They maintain in silence because no one is innocent 它們保持緘默覷覦著每個人的罪孽 Once I tried it in a gentle way 我也曾嘗試與一切和解 but there's No purpose for my ambitions 卻無處安放澎湃的宏願 Appreciate for all these miseries 衷心致謝一路險阻波折 shaped me、engraved me what I am Today 終將我雕琢成為我本身 Apologize for the times we used to ruin 嚮往昔揮霍的光陰道歉 Seems now we are against the world 可我們卻依舊無法妥協 Don't believe in the ally for relief 別寄望名為解脫的蹊徑 You know nothing comes for free 從未曾存在嗟來的饕餮 BURN 燃燒 Let me pick up all the afterglows 只願夕拾起的殘照 See me flaring even for a sec 應允我剎那的閃耀 Here is the final shot within all I got 既已玉碎石焚 Nothing matters now nothing matters at all 那還有何畏懼? Apologize for the times we used to ruin 嚮往昔揮霍的光陰道歉 Seems now we are against the world 可我們卻依舊無法妥協 Don't believe in the ally for relief 別寄望名為解脫的蹊徑 You know nothing comes for free 從未曾存在嗟來的饕餮 Don't look back with fury 請別在不甘中回首 What we've lost we will find it again 過往所失我必重拾 I will die for trying 我願為此回歸塵土 Cut the noise just feel my spirit 靡靡噪聲何足掛齒 Sinking to the bottom 看我沉淪直至谷底 I don't need a backup plan its the final round 世事皆需縝密為營 may the winner take it all 而我只求孤注之人無往不利 Turn the nights off for me 能否為我驅散這長夜 Allow me to hold you closely 允我牢牢擁抱每個你 I'm sick 'n tired of the darkness 我已厭倦無垠的黑暗 So help me light it up a little bit 同我一起點燃這天地 Turn the nights off for me 能否為我驅散這長夜 Then We could end this thing 讓我們了結這揪心的一切 END THIS THING 共赴終焉 What if I run faster than the lights 假如這狂奔凌駕於時光之上 Can I choose again for who I am? 能否再賜我一場枉費的少年? I have been stuck here for too long 我已淪陷在隙縫中窒息許久 Can I define myself In the very end? 待清算之日是否仍有書可寫? Hold tight this message represents my soul: 收藏妥當滿載我靈魂的信箋: “I will never change,Its all I have.” “ 我絕不妥協,我絕不妥協。”