- Jon Bryant Tied Up 歌詞
- Jon Bryant
- 製作人: Daniel Chae/Jon Bryant/Miro Mackie
吸氣 Breathe in 呼氣 Breathe out 放輕鬆 We'll make it 失眠,無疑 No sleep, no doubt 隔離我們的牆壁開始鬆動 The walls have started breathing
我怎成了負重的駱駝 What have I become? 就差最後一根稻草 Did I take too much, oh?
我得離開了 I gotta go 因為我的雙手一直被你束縛 Cuz you're keepin' my hands tied up 你總是把我的世界攪得四分五裂 Always pulls my world apart 我得探求 I gotta know 是什麼一直讓我心煩意亂 What's keepin' my heart riled up 我們能否回到一切的開端 Can we take it back to the start?
我只是需要你的愛讓我不再消沉 I just need your love to get me high, high 我只是需要你的愛讓我步入正軌 I just need your love to get me right back in time 請給我再開一劑新藥,再讓我神魂顛倒,再次掌管我 Roll me out another pill, another thrill, take me over 因為我只是需要你的愛讓我保持亢奮 Cuz I just need your love to keep me high 我正搖搖欲墜 I'm walking a wire
我頹唐低落 I'm down 沉淪於你,自我放逐 Strung out, in exile 我怎會落得這般田地 What have I become?
人們朝我擲以亂石 They're throwing stones 窗上的裂隙愈來愈深 The crack in my window grows 今夜我渴求溫暖 I wanna feel the heat tonight 我們在回家的路上 We're going home 所以是什麼使我心浮氣躁 So what's keeping my heart riled up? 我們能否重新開始 Can we take it back to the start?
我只是需要你的愛讓我保持亢奮 I just need your love to get me high, high 我只是需要你的愛讓我步入正軌 I just need your love to get me right back in time 請給我再開一劑新藥,再讓我神魂顛倒,讓我再次匍匐在你腳下 So roll me out another pill, another thrill, take me over 因為我只是需要你的愛讓我不再消沉 Cuz I just need your love to keep me high 我正如履薄冰 I'm walking a wire
你不在的時日我消沉沮喪 Some days your gone and I feel low 那些日子如此漫長讓我出離世間 Some days are long and I withdrawl 如同滄海一粟渺小無力 Like a needle in the hay 但我正以我的方式重新靠近你 But I'm making my way to you 我感到超脫飄然 I feel light 可能此刻就會煙消雲散 I could die now
因為我只是需要你的愛讓我保持亢奮 I just need your love to get me high, high 因為我只是需要你的愛讓我步入正軌 I just need your love to get me right back in time 請給我再開一劑新藥,再讓我神魂顛倒,讓我再次匍匐在你腳下 So roll me out another pill, another thrill, take me over 因為我只是需要你的愛讓我不再消沉 Cuz I just need your love to keep me high 今夜我已筋疲力盡 I've burned out tonight 今夜我已疲憊不堪 I've burned out tonight 製作: Jon Bryant/Daniel Chae/Miro Mackie