- Jon Bryant I Shall Not Fear 歌詞
- Jon Bryant
- 製作人: Wally Gagel
當你五體投地的時候 When your face hits the pavement 當胳膊缺乏力量的時候 When your arms have no strength 當夢想破滅的時候 When your dreams are no longer 你就以為走進了死胡同里面 And you think it's the end 噢天吶,我實在無法理解 God damn, i can't understand 那塞滿了我的雙眼的憂慮 The worry that fills my eyes 噢天吶,究竟是誰才能理解 God damn, who could understand 為何我們又一次墜落深淵 Why we have fallen again 我不會畏懼 I shall not fear 當後背緊貼著牆的時候 When my back's to the wall 我會看著一切逐漸瓦解 And i watch as it all falls apart 我不會畏懼 I shall not fear 當沒有人願意接聽我電話的時候 When there's no one to call 全世界的重量壓在脆弱的心靈之上 And the weight of the world breaks your heart 我不會畏懼 I shall not fear 你可以佇立在角落之中 You could stand in the corner 你可以用雙手摀住你的腦袋 You can bury your head 你可以說你是一個凡人 You could say that you're human 風水輪流轉 And we all have our turn 噢天吶,我實在無法理解 God damn, i can't understand 那塞滿了我的雙眼的憂慮 The worry that fills my eyes 噢天吶,究竟是誰才能理解 God damn, who could understand 為何我們又一次墜落深淵 Why we have fallen again 我不會畏懼 I shall not fear 當後背緊貼著牆的時候 When my back's to the wall 我會看著一切逐漸瓦解 And i watch as it all falls apart 我不會畏懼 I shall not fear 當沒有人願意接聽我電話的時候 When there's no one to call 全世界的重量壓在脆弱的心靈之上 And the weight of the world breaks your heart 我不會畏懼 I shall not fear 放棄我所有的一切,直到一絲一毫都不餘下 Givin' everything i have, everything i have till there's nothing left 我不會畏懼 I shall not fear 放棄我所有的一切,直到一絲一毫都不餘下 Givin' everything i have, everything i have till there's nothing left 我不會畏懼 I shall notfear 放棄我所有的一切,直到一絲一毫都不餘下 Givin' everything i have, everything i have till there's nothing left 我不會畏懼 I shall not fear 放棄我所有的一切,直到一絲一毫都不餘下 Givin' everything i have, everything i have till there's nothing left 放棄我所有的一切,直到一絲一毫都不餘下 Givin' everything i have, everything i have till there's nothing left