- Jake Wesley Rogers O Holy Night 歌詞
- Jake Wesley Rogers
- 製作人: Daniel Crean
哦這聖潔的夜 O holy night 群星閃耀璀璨 The stars are brightly shining 這是我們親愛的聖主降世的夜晚 It is the night of our dear saviours birth 久行於世 Long lived the world 看盡罪惡與人們無盡的慾求 In sin and their pining 直到他現身於世界,靈魂才有了分量 Till he appeared and the soul felt its worth 又重拾起憧憬的興奮 The thrill of hope 疲倦的世界又活躍了起來 The weary world rejoices 因為我們將迎來一個嶄新的晴朗早晨 For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn 跪膝於你的跟前 Fall on your knees 哦聆聽著天使的讚歌 O hear the angel voices 哦就在這神聖的夜裡 O night divine 哦在這個聖主誕生的夜晚 O night when Christ was born 哦這聖潔的平安夜 O night divine 哦多年前的今夜 O night 聖主就此孕育而生 When Christ was born 跪膝沉淪於你 Fall on your knees 哦聆聽著天使的讚歌 O hear the angels voices 哦這神聖的夜 O night divine 哦在這個聖主誕生的夜晚 O night when Christ was born 哦祥和的此夜 O night 哦這聖潔的平安夜 O night divine 哦聖主誕生前的最後一夜 O night divine 哦在這寧靜的夜裡 O night 哦沐浴於平安夜的聖輝裡 O night divine 器樂: Daniel Crean/Eren Cannata 音頻工程師: Eren Cannata 混音師: Andrew Wuepper 人聲錄音: Kyle Dreaden 母帶工程師: Dale Becker 主人聲: Jake Wesley Rogers