- Kennedi Christmas morning 歌詞
- Kennedi
- 製作人: Daniel Crean
聖誕的清晨如往日的每天 every morning is like Christmas morning 從你身邊醒來 waking up next to you 從你身邊醒來 waking up next to you 每篇童話故事都已翻遍 every fairy tale reads so boring 直至與你共同譜寫的篇章 scinse we write it with you 身體的溫度 keeping my temperature 不知覺間開始升高 raising no matter the farenheits 每想起與你度過的點滴嘴角悄悄揚起 no face from smiling cause you gots me memorize 聖誕的清晨如往日的每天 every morning is like Christmas morning 從你身邊醒來 waking up next to you 聖誕的清晨如往日的每天 every morning is like Christmas morning 從你身邊醒來 waking up next to you 從你身邊醒來 waking up next to you 睜開眼的瞬間暖意瀰漫內心 open up both my eyes heart warming 這感覺真是太棒了 such a beaututiful feel 這感覺真是太棒了 such a beaututiful feel 我也許會在某處藏一個榭寄生 I might be hidding the mistletoe 就裝在我的口袋裡一邊同你閒談歇憩 right here in my pocket and cheating and siesta 老天現在還不來個早安吻麼 oh kiss me for godness 聖誕的清晨如往日的每天 every morning is like Christmas morning 從你身邊醒來 waking up next to you 從你身邊醒來 waking up next to you 坦誠告訴你 to tell you the truth 睜開眼看到你在身邊 waking up next to you 就是我的聖誕驚喜 its the present itself 從你身邊醒來 waking up next to you 整日同你談天說地 were talking to you 就是我所有想幹的事 its all I want to do 如此直到永遠 forever and ever else 身體的溫度 keeping my temperature 不知覺間開始升高 raising no matter the farenheits 每想起與你度過的點滴嘴角悄悄揚起 my face from smiling cause you gots me memorize 聖誕的清晨如往日的每天 every morning is like Christmas morning 從你身邊醒來 waking up next to you 聖誕的清晨如往日的每天 every morning is like Christmas morning 從你身邊醒來 waking up next to you 器樂: Daniel Crean/Eren Cannata 音頻工程師: Eren Cannata 混音師: Andrew Wuepper 主人聲: Kennedi 和聲: Eren Cannata/Justin Tranter/Kennedi 母帶工程師: Dale Becker