- BAYLI Jingle Bells 歌詞
- 製作人: Daniel Crean
滑雪是多麼愉悅啊 Oh what fun it is to ride 穿越皚皚雪原 Dashing through the snow 我們駕著雪橇 In a one- horse open sleigh 跨過廣闊田野 Over the fields we go 一路歡聲笑語 Laughing all the way 聖誕前的鐘聲 Bells on bob-tail ring 照亮人們心靈 Making spirits bright 乘著雪橇唱著歌兒是多麼歡快 What fun it is to laugh and sing a sleighing song tonight 聖誕鐘聲響 Jingle bells jingle bells 一路多歡暢 Jingle all the way 我們滿懷歡樂坐在這幸福的雪橇上 O' what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh 鈴兒響鈴兒響 Jingle bells jingle bells 鈴兒響叮噹 Jingle all the way 我們駕著雪橇行在這廣闊的大地上 O' what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh 一兩天之前 A day or two ago 突然想出去玩 I thought I'd take a ride 那位美麗姑娘 And soon Miss Fanny Bright 正坐在我旁邊 Was seated by my side 那馬又老又瘦 The horse was lean and lank 還沒有好運氣 Misfortune seemed his lot 它撞在河岸上 He got into a drifted bank 我們都很沮喪 And then we got upsot 鈴兒響鈴兒響 Jingle bells jingle bells 鈴兒響叮噹 Jingle all the way 我們駕著雪橇走了一路歡暢 O' what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh 鈴兒響鈴兒響 Jingle bells jingle bells 鈴兒響叮噹 Jingle all the way 我們駕著雪橇走了一路歡暢 O' what fun it is to ride in a one -horse open sleigh 鈴兒響鈴兒響 Jingle bells jingle bells 鈴兒響叮噹 Jingle all the way 我們駕著雪橇行在這廣闊的大地上 O' what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh 鈴兒響鈴兒響 Jingle bells jingle bells 鈴兒響叮噹 Jingle all the way 我們滿懷歡樂坐在這幸福的雪橇上 O' what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh 駕著雪橇滑雪是多麼有意思啊 O' what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh 音頻工程師: Eren Cannata 貝斯: Eren Cannata 鼓: Daniel Crean 混音師: Andrew Wuepper 人聲錄音: Alex Cohen 主人聲: BAYLI 母帶工程師: Dale Becker