- Pink Martini Clementine 歌詞
- Pink Martini
If tomorrows sun doesnt shine 若明天太陽不願照耀 If no creatures stir in the morning time 若清晨萬物不再甦醒 If the clouds go still in the sky 若空中云朵靜止不動 And the days roll in and pass us by 若時間匆匆一去不返 I will ride your elevator 我就會乘著你的電梯 Well stay out till it is later 我們一起出去玩到夜深 If tomorrows sun doesnt shine 就算明天太陽不願照耀 At least Ill have my 至少我還有我的 Clementine 小柑橘克萊門汀
If tomorrows moon doesnt show 若明晚月亮不肯升起 If our dreams go lost in the winter snow 若白雪茫茫夢想無跡可尋 And the flowers wither and die 若花兒紛紛枯萎凋零 And the waterfalls run low and dry 若瀑布干涸露出岩石猙獰 Will you meet me in the garden 那麼在花園見面好嗎 Well say 'please' and 'beg your pardon' 我們會很有禮貌說“請”和“抱歉” If tomorrows sun doesn shine 就算明天太陽不願照耀 At least Ill have my 至少我還有我的 Clementine 小柑橘克萊門汀
Theres a place that nobody knows 有一個無人知曉的地方 Theres a packing up of summer clothes 無數美麗的夏裝任君挑選 In the lazy days of my mind 那是我心裡最最柔軟的角落 Youve always been my 在那裡你一直都是我的 Clementine 小柑橘克萊門汀
Clementine 小柑橘克萊門汀