- Lotus Juice Break Out Of... 歌詞
- 平田志穂子 Lotus Juice
- One thing that Im sure of is that
有一件事我十分確信那就是 You gotta fit in to survive this madness oh boy 要適應這非同一般的瘋狂一定很不容易 You dont even know who youre messing with 你可知你所面對的是何方神聖 Sinner from birth spelled in curse hated by thousands 自降生便背負著命運的詛咒為無數人所厭惡 My hands filled with dirt, skirts can go back home jerks 我可不會心慈手軟懦弱的你們可快回家去吧 Like all the sounds count in any good song (你的話)正如對一首好歌裡的雜音一般 Supposing drums weak? then the band plays sour tone 覺得我們弱?那麼便來一較高下吧 All round player no sub needed 有膽量就直接上台戰鬥吧 Yall little brats please stay seated 怯懦的小屁孩們請乖乖坐好 Real life kittens cant believe it 溫室中的花朵可無法想像生活的殘酷 Do or die I fight back and kill it 反抗它還是被它毀滅我選擇前者 Way you fake yourself, get played on 欺騙自己其實是在捉弄自己 And Ive been there done that same predicament 我也曾像你一樣處於這樣的困境之中 But its time you give up maverick 但現在是時候不再那麼特立獨行了 Break out of the dome 擊碎那無形的穹頂吧 Its time to take a step up no more cruising alone 是時候邁出第一步不再獨來獨往了 Trust is no more than a word yo act before you slur those words 所謂的信任亦不過是一場騙局 For better good 為了更好的未來 I move alone man free as a bird 我如林中之鳥一般無拘無束 Overcame every time the curse 一次又一次突破重重障礙 Break out of the shell 掙脫那桎梏的牢籠吧 Deep down inside you there lies love in your heart 在你的內心深處仍然留存著對他人的關愛 Only got love for myself stop your lies 我只在乎我自己別再自欺欺人了 No need to fear 不用抗懼 Its time you burn that dread 是時候燃盡你的恐懼了 This aint a joke man 別開玩笑了老兄 Yall cant hoax me to believethese 我可不會被你們那些 Fainted ideas are greatness, dreaming wide 美好而虛幻的話語所迷惑 Awake, good god gracious 哦拜託趕快從那虛幻的夢中醒來吧 Judge me I dont care so so dangerous 無論他人如何批判我也絲毫不在乎 My ideas contagious, hey just leave me 我的想法是十分危險的快滾吧 Alone no more patience no more patience waitress 我可沒有耐心繼續應付你們了 Make the most out of time we share cuz 我們之所以會培養彼此之間的羈絆是因為 When the end comes were probably gonna go alone 即使終焉到來我們仍會成為彼此的憑依 Make my own path make momentum 驅動我前進的動力 (So alone)Take what is mine I go getem 便是奪回屬於我的東西的慾望 Faint hearts stayed so repellent 怯懦之人依然令人反感 My enemy yes my impellent 我的敵人亦是推動我前進的動力 Today might be any other day but 今天可能同其他數万個日子一般平常 I dont want to waste another day, drone 但我不想浪費任何一個日子與你纏鬥 One in million actually seeing eye to eye carpe diem 只有微乎其微的人能夠遇見真正的彼此 Its ironic that you seeem completely different spectrum 像你這般天真的人還真是少見 Way it is its never certain 命運之所向飄忽無定 Such strong will and faith can turn around the fate 唯持有堅強的意志與信念才可掌控命運 Im never going to give up 我將永不言棄 Break out of your head 破除你的思維定式吧 Its time to take a step up, no more cruising alone 是時候邁出第一步不再獨來獨往了 Trust is no more than a word 所謂的信任 Yo act before you slur those words 亦不過是一場騙局 (For better good)I move alone man free as a bird 我如林中之鳥一般無拘無束 Overcame every time the curse 一次又一次突破重重障礙 Break out of your fate 擺脫你的既定命運吧 Deep down inside you there lies love in your heart 在你的內心深處仍然留存著對他人的關愛 Only got lovefor myself stop your lies 我只在乎我自己別再自欺欺人了 No need to fear its time you burn that dread 無需抗懼是時候燃盡你的恐懼了 Yall dont get it Im already broken some screws loose 你們不明白要改變我這樣的人是不可能的 No turning back for a man of sin no medicine no 像我這般無藥可救的罪人是沒有回頭路可走的 Opted for power no chit chat required cuz 既然選擇了追逐力量那便無暇虛度光陰 I kept on rolling rolling rolling down and down and down and now Im UP 我要不斷地接受試煉歷經沉浮最終才能立於巔峰 Just so better off being solo travel life like Marco Polo 馬可波羅東遊般的單人旅行實在令人嚮往 You wanna live such a slow mo I wanna throw down things in DOJO 你想過那受人牽制的生活而我只想把那羈絆拋在身後 Ha its maybe more about stupid pride I dont care though 哼你之所以那麼想可能是為了某種我不在乎的滿足感吧 I know what Im doing so please leave me alone 我知道我在為何而戰所以離開吧讓我獨自前行 Way you fake yourself get played on 欺騙自己其實是在捉弄自己 And Ive been there done that same predicament 我也曾像你一樣處於這樣的困境之中 But its time you give up maverick 但現在是時候不再那麼特立獨行了 Way it is its never certain 命運之所向飄忽無定 Such strong will and faith can turn around the fate 唯持有堅強的意志與信念才可掌控命運 Im never going to give up 我將永不言棄 Break out of the ease 克服你的心裡障礙吧 Reasons that you put up aint going to last for much long 你所宣稱的一切不會支撐你太久的 Aint no one can stop me my hate my love aint gonna change up 沒有人能阻擋我前進的步伐亦沒有人能改變我的喜惡 (For better or worse) Switch up your way of thoughts aint a spot for any of yall 改變你的思維方式吧你所說的不過是一派胡言 Break out of the doom 擊碎那無形的穹頂吧 Deep down inside you there lies love in your heart 在你的內心深處仍然留存著對他人的關愛 Only got love for myself stop your lies 我只在乎我自己別再自欺欺人了 No need to fear its time you burn that dread 無需抗懼是時候燃盡你的恐懼了