- ナノ Because of You 歌詞
- ナノ
過去的一幕幕如翻頁般在我眼前顯現 The pages of my past are turning scene by scene 鑽心而刺骨的痛油然而生 An aching awakens 每個支離破碎的夢裡我都放聲哭泣 I was crying every night inside a broken dream 從另一個“世界”回來的我將變得無所隱瞞 To hide the nothing Id become from the world outside 我真的變成孤身一人了嗎?真的嗎? Am I alone am I alone 你是否能聽見我的呼喚 Can you hear me 沒有一個人知道,沒有一個人 Nobody knows nobody knows 知道是你走進了我的生活讓我找到了真實的自己 But then you came into my life and found me 你難道不記得了嗎? Do you remember 我們並肩走過的路已有這麼長 The road weve come has been so long 就算這條路上有許多溝坎挫折,也阻擋不了我們 Weve faced so many walls and weve made through it all 每個步伐孤獨而堅定卻堅持著每一天 Every single step holding on every single day 從不回頭張望,就那樣徑直的走下去 Never looking back straight ahead never looked away 我至始至終都相信著從我內心發出的聲音 I finally believe the voice in me 只是因為你 Because of you 二月寒冬的夜晚,我們的相遇沉默又冰冷 The February night we met was cold and bleak 我的影子被燈光拉長,漸漸消失 My shadow fading 我害怕打破沉默的僵局,又害怕著這樣你會一直沉默下去 I was scared to break the ice afraid to let you in 就算我知曉這是個合適的時機來面對恐懼 But I knew the time was right to face the fears within 你又看見了什麼?你的眼神飄忽不定 What do you see what do you see 你還能看見我嗎? Can you see me 我到底要付出多少的努力?為你付出多少/ What will it take what will it take 你才能明白你對我意味著什麼 For you to realize what you mean to me 你真的不記得了嗎? Do you remember 是你給了我一個屬於我自己的理由去堅持 You gave me a reason to belong 當我們感到前途渺茫,卻仍舊信賴彼此時 When we couldnt see ahead we would trust in each other 每個步伐孤獨而堅定卻堅持著每一天 Every single step holding on every single day 從不回頭張望,就那樣徑直的走下去 Never looking back straight ahead never looked away 我至始至終都相信著從我內心發出的聲音 I finally believe the voice in me 只是因為你 Because of you 還有多少天我要在黑暗中摸索前行 How many days must I travel in blindness 在你的足步聲引領我回家之前 Before these footsteps can lead me back home 有多少次我的臉龐穿過你的手指 How many times do I fall through your fingers 在我能夠真正地自食其力之前 Before l can rise on my own 你還會一直記得嗎? Will you remember 很久以前我們一起說過的話 The words we shared so long ago “未來許下的承諾一定要實現” A promise to achieve what the future would bring 只有走到了盡頭才會發現這是一個新的開始 Everything begins only when we let something end 當明天到來,我們是否要選擇不同的路走下去? When tomorrow comes should our paths take a different way 就算這樣,我仍能夠重新站起 變得更加堅強 I know I can stand up strong again 你難道不記得了嗎? Do you remember 我們並肩走過的路已有這麼長 The road weve come has been so long 就算這條路上有許多溝坎挫折,也阻擋不了我們 Weve faced so many walls and weve made through it all 每個步伐孤獨而堅定卻堅持著每一天 Every single step moving on every single day 從不回頭張望,就那樣徑直的走下去 Never looking back straight ahead never looked away 我知道,現在可能是這條路的最後拐角 And now this could be the final bend 但是我,仍會依舊與你一起並肩而行 Well walk together 我至始至終都相信著從我內心發出的聲音 I finally believe the voice in me 只是因為你 Because of you