- 週穆 夜行 歌詞
- 週穆
- 作詞:周如穆
在這裡名為荒蕪的 一切再不存在 無法具體說明 這是黑夜旅行
Here the barren Cease to exist Inexpressible An odyssey in the night
於是我又是我你又是你 天空還是紅色雨下不停 路面濕度彷彿那個夜晚 空氣帶水煙必須點兩次才能點燃 你的一切很快將被溶解 把結局刪減作危機處理 快速地收拾起巨大卻沒能遏止的傷心
So I am myself and you are you again Maroon sky and incessant rain The dampened road resembling that night The air was dense Cigarettes must be lighted twice All of you Soon to disintegrate Cut the finale Emergency procedure done Swiftly I buried the momentous but unstoppable grief
疑惑靈魂的交會之地產生爆炸的轟鳴 卻避免傷及任何無辜更像是幻覺而已 忍不住回頭的時候背後只剩一扇敞開的門 一片漆黑沒有人站在那里門裡的迷宮團團展開
Where wandering spirits meet The air cracked with explosion Though harmful to no others More or less an illusion When Orpheus turned The lone door stood ajar Pitch dark space No one was there The maze in the door started to expand
One can only run
真相假說全部都是迷惑 理由原因沒有 善良來自邪惡 那些過往心底如鬼魂徘徊的就會湧起
Truth Hypothesis All just fogs No excuses No reasons Goodness originates from evil The cryptic haunting past emerges
所有關於你的一切當我想要回想起的時候都從我的胸口流失了 所有關於你的一切包括你的觸感你的長相你的聲音都像煙霧不再存在了 夜晚被你的片段席捲快要窒息了 因為我只是脆弱人類是宇宙生命短暫的一瞬
Everything about you drains from my chest when I try to reminisce Everything about you Your touch Your face Your voice dissipated The night became asphyxiating by your images Because I am only human An instant in the galaxy span
纏綁住所有的 在擁抱之後 蟲一般快速飛走噓
Everything entwined After theembrace Rapidly scattered like bugs Hush
吸進去的煙從皮膚從指甲從毛髮漸漸地滲出來 玩笑話皺眉的笑溫柔的手觸摸的溫度都只剩字面 曾經想要的理由就再也想不起來了
The inhaled smoke infiltrated from skin nails hair Jokes Frowning smiles Gentle hands Warmth All that remained are words Once the reason of desire Has been all forgotten
我希望早晨到來時一天就結束 我又會重新活過來在下個早晨 太陽光太亮了太亮了他們聲響太吵了太吵了 連世界都對黑夜旅行者吝嗇
I wish the day would end at dawn I would come back to life At the next morning The sun is too bright They are too noisy Even the world is mean to the night crawlers
有一瞬間那些閃電指向你 千分之一秒天空忽然照亮你 這麼多條路卻沒一條通往你 這樣塗黑所有不可被阻止的你 可曾想過或許我也是謎底
For a fleeting moment the lightening pointed to you For a split second the sky ignited you So many roads but none leads to you Unrelenting You scribbled over it all Have you ever considered maybe I was also the answer