- 週穆 NO BOYS ARE GODS 閃神 歌詞
- 週穆
- 作詞:周如穆
時間起頭漂浮其中 天真是我們的領航員 黑暗之中不存在具體 閃過飛來的星星點閱星系 如果手不曾鬆開就好了 如果倒回大爆炸之前 全世界歸為一點 祢就在我之上我就在祢之中 塵埃落定 Time started rolling Floating amidst Innocence was our pilot In the darkness without a concrete existence Dodging stars coming our way We tallied the galaxy Only if we had not let go If we reverse back before the Big Bang The world was but a speck You above me I inside of You The dust settled
不被記得的我如何存在 假如有神那神會記得吧 琢磨一個好的自己需要多少勇氣 只要祢一句話我就能夠痊癒 Unremembered How would I exist If there is a God Would the God remember Honing a good version of myself takes so much courage Only say the word And I will be made well
當量子不再疊加隔壁宇宙 再次遇見曾經對我微笑著的祢 再一次傷心也沒關係 即使所有方法都失靈唯獨祢是關鍵 這次人生的意義 When quantum no longer superposes In the next universe You who once smiled at me Could be sad again Even if all methods fail You are the singular key The meaning of this lifetime
在心底掀起波瀾了 如果說祢是神那 是與祢相知便安慰了靈魂 若不曾擁有過祢也不會失去我了 祢是我最糟糕的美夢 一再重複播送一再一再重複播送 No NO BOYS ARE GODS A wave rippled in my heart If You are God then Your acquaintance eased the soul If You never had me then You would not have lost me You are my worst good dream Repeating Repetitively playing No NO BOYS ARE GODS
我們是時間長河中快速掠過的流星 為了某個未來被願望相遇 當我燃儘自己下墜轉頭望見 每人都在等待那生命中 不曾到來的果陀 We are the meteors accelerating through the river of time In order to meet a certain future wish When I consumed myself Falling Iturned to see Everyone awaits the Godot in their lives that will never arrive
生命廣場中遇見祢熙來攘往如何分辨 早已刻畫腦海成為了不同意義 遇見未來的祢所能擁有隻是當下 只有那時的我擁抱了當下的祢 而一直被深深撼動著 Running into You in the plaza of life Hustling and bustling Recognizing Already etched in my mind becoming something with a different meaning Running into the future You All We Have Is Now I who have only that instant Took You into my arms And have been impressed forever
於是只剩看見月亮想到祢 愛上愛上月亮的人是孤寂 除了成為月亮要如何消除妒忌 每月一次的接近引起的潮汐 拍打的回憶如一首歌曲 在宇宙之中小聲吟唱 關於一個超越物種的聯繫 我們去看了火星金星水星 祢凝視我的眼睛 祢說我不需要衛星 So I only think of You when I see the moon Falling for someone who fell in love with the moon is secluded Other than becoming the moon How else would one stop the envy That one time every month The surges it brought on The rhythm it created The memories it touched Like a song In the universe humming low and soft a story of a cross-species connection We saw Mars Venus and Mercury You gazed into my eyes You said I don't need satellites
那就這樣吧 世界足夠平衡 這是最黑暗的旅行 若不曾擁有過我也不會失去祢了 祢是我最糟糕的美夢 一再重複播送一再一再重複播送 Let me correct No NO BOYS ARE GODS So be it The world in equilibrium This is the darkest journey If I never had You then I would not have lost You You are my worst good dream Repeating Repetitively playing Let me correct No NO BOYS ARE GODS
色不異空空不異色 色即是空空即是色 受想行識亦復如是 如此的存在何須再尋求肯定 何須多此一舉 祢在或不在已不再是事件的核心 而是祢曾經存在過已經定義了明示了 不該感到遺憾了 Form does not differ from emptiness Emptiness does not differ from form That which is form is emptiness That which is emptiness form The same is true of feelings perceptions impulses consciousness Such existence require no assurance Whether You remain or not is not the core of the matter Your existence was defined crystal clear There should not be any regrets
祢的來訪代表了什麼或許什麼也不 祢的出現說明了什麼或許所有囊括 祢的消逝又印證了什麼或許全部皆是 從無到有從零到一再到零 從始至終再更加暸解全都不生不滅 What did Your visit symbolize maybe nothing at all What did Your appearance clarify maybe all of it What did Your disappearance prove maybe everything From void to existence From 0 to 1 to 0 From the beginning to the end A deeper understanding All live and all die
如果牽過祢手的我 去牽了牽過她手的他的手 是否全人類就連在一起了 如果此時愛祢的我愛上彼時愛我的祢 是否我們也就算是相愛了 即使從那之後作了多少努力 一直害怕回過神來就是沒能逃出祢 最稀少的卻被誤認成最美好的 就算前因後果時機都正確 霧中的祢輪廓過分清晰 If I who once held Your hand went to hold his hand which once held her hand Are we all interconnected If I who love You loved You who loved me at one time Does that count as us being in love From then on no matter how hard I tried Fearing even when I'm out of my trance I could not escape You The rarest confused with the most divine Even when the before and after and timing are all spot on precise Your silhouette all too clear in the fog
剩下那想遺忘的後悔的 堆疊成了掙扎 可如果我們不曾交錯過 世界也不會相連 也將不會有相遇相愛這種事了 祢說對嗎 The only things that remain are the ones need to be forgotten regretted One on top of the other They became struggles But if we never crossed path The world would not be connected Encountering and falling in love would not be existent What do You think
わたしの夢が広がって あなたの足元で水たまりとなった My dream expands And became ponds at your feet