- Perfume Genius On the Floor 歌詞
- Perfume Genius
我嘗試著 I'm trying 卻依舊閉上眼睛 But still I close my eyes 夢境裡 The dreaming 他的臉龐浮現眼前 Bringin' his face to mine 鎖上門 Lock the door 嗡嗡聲 The constant buzzing 整夜不停 All through the night 爭鬥 The fight it 把我的內心撕得粉碎 Rips me all up inside 在地板上 On the floor 我踱步,我呢喃 I pace, I run my mouth 我祈禱,我等待 I pray and wait 在頁面上劃掉他的名字 I cross out his name on the page 要多久這些才會被洗去 How long 'til this washes away? 要多久我的形骸才安寧 How long 'til my body is safe? 要多久才能走進這光裡 How long ' til I walk in the light? 要多久,這顆心再不屬於我自己 How long 'til this heart isn't mine? 他胸口起起伏伏 The rise and fall 盡數落在我身上 Of his chest on me 我努力著 I'm trying 卻依舊一成不變 But still it's all I see 那猛烈 The violent 而湧流的能量 Current of energy 我將它隱藏 I hide it 至內心最深處 Away and underneath 鎖上門 Lock the door 我顫抖,我承諾 I shake, I promise everyday 每天都會改變 To change 我在頁面上劃掉他的名字 I cross out his name on the page 要多久這些才會被洗去 How long 'til this washes away? 要多久我的形骸才安寧 How long 'til my body is safe? 要多久才能走進這光裡 How long 'til I walk in the light? 要多久,這顆心再不屬於我自己 How long 'til this heart isn't mine? 拿走這野性 Take this wildness away 我只希望他在我懷裡 I just want him in my arms 我努力著 I'm trying 卻還是閉上眼睛 But still I close my eyes 夢裡 The dreaming 他的臉龐出現在眼前 Bringin' his face to mine 地板上 On the floor 我踱步,我呢喃 I pace, I run my mouth 我祈禱,我等待 I pray to change 在頁面上劃掉他的名字 I cross out his name on the page 要多久這些才會被洗去 How long 'til this washes away? 要多久我的形骸才安寧 How long 'til my body is safe? 要多久才能走進這光裡 How long 'til I walk in the light? 我只希望他在我懷裡 I just want him in my arms