- Union (Slopes of St.Benedict) 歌詞 Sabaton
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- Sabaton Union (Slopes of St.Benedict) 歌詞
- Sabaton
- Regard your soldiers as your children,
“視卒如嬰兒” and they will follow you into the deepest valleys. “故可與之赴深溪” Look upon them as your own beloved sons, “視卒如愛子” and they will stand by you,even until death “故可與之俱死” As the turn of the tide it is our turn to rise 戰局風雲巨變,我們後發製人 The force of a union at war 多國盟軍枕戈待旦! March over mountains on our way to the north 翻越層巒疊嶂,我們一路向北 On the road that will lead us to Rome 打通向羅馬的道路! Our way will not be easy, it will take us through hardship and pain 征途注定不會一帆風順,艱難險阻在所難免 Hill after hill breaking their lines of defence 層層推進,突破德軍防線 Head on north 向北進軍! Mile after mile our march carries on 披荊斬棘,我軍所向披靡 No army may stop our approach 盟軍勢不可擋 Fight side by side many nations unite 並肩戰鬥,多國齊心協力 In the shadow of Monte Cassino 奮戰在卡西諾山麓之下 We fight and die together as we head for the valley of death 我們同生死,共患難,共赴死亡之谷 Destiny calls well not surrender or fail 使命在召喚,我軍勢在必得 To arms under one banner 在同一面旗幟下全副武裝 As a unit we stand and united we fall 我們比肩而立,我們生死與共 As one fighting together 萬眾一心,同仇敵愾 Bringing an end to the slaughter 為漫長的殺戮畫上句號 Winds are changing head on north 風向正在轉變,向北進軍! Head on north 向北進軍! Head on north 向北進軍! Times are changing 戰情時不我待 Head on north 向北進軍! To arms, under one banner 在同一面旗幟下全副武裝 As a unit we stand and united we fall 我們比肩而立,我們生死與共 As one, fighting together 萬眾一心,同仇敵愾 Bringing an end to the slaughter 為漫長的殺戮畫上句號 Winds are changing, head on north 風向正在轉變,向北進軍!