- Allday Angels 歌詞
- Allday
- I got a garden angel she's with me right now
我有著一個秘密花園我的天使就陪在我的身邊 Watching over me everything I do 痴迷地看著我所做的一切 I cross the road with my eyes closed 我閉眼隨著直覺大膽跨過馬路(嘿嘿 Yeah well this is for the angels 耶這首歌寫給人美心善的小天使 I used to skip school go hang out at my grandma's 我過去常常逃學去奶奶家閒逛 Come back for art to hit on Jade I never cracked her 有時候為對藝術課上的Jade獻殷勤而回校但我從未招惹她哦 Used to ride on empty south road up to flagstaff 一路飆車南行直至旗桿飄搖的無人境地 In my 626 Mazda rusty brown and smashed up 開著我的銹棕色626Mazda 醉醺醺的恍恍惚惚的 A year later I met Jess goon drunk with fat a** 一年以後我遇見了肥Jess並和她喝得酩酊大醉 She'd come round in her dads car she drove that sh*t like nascar 在我成為rapper之前 Before I was a rapper 她就抱上了金主的大腿啥玩意就是個垃圾 I just was a guy that freestyled at parties for status I never had none 我生性自由散漫不拘於既定狀態之內 I used to spend every day with my friends in the garage 曾和我的三五好友整日在車庫裡消磨時光無所事事 Or talking sh*t with my cousins on the carpet at my mannas 或者和我的親戚扯些有的沒的 I think they stop believing I'm coming like Santa 我認為他們不會改變我像聖誕老人的這種看法 But my circumstances changed I'm just doing what I have ta 但是呢近些日子的遭遇改變了我一直以來的想法 I have dreams of f**king angels and coming down 我有著荒誕破碎的美夢天使們降臨同我一起墮落 The white sheets in rooms with views above the clouds 純白的房間裡漂浮著大片的雲朵和飄渺的景象 Time your time until the right moment 你該於恰當的時機聰明地把控每分每秒 Then move quick you don't get a twice over 時光飛逝人生不會重來 Coz time moves like a girl butt jiggles 時間一點一滴走遠就像小姑娘的屁股晃來晃去 Satisfaction is a long hard riddle 獲得幸福圓滿是難解的謎 And I wish you good luck with it all 希望好運可以一直伴隨著你 And I wish you good luck with it all 我真誠地希望好運可以一直伴隨著你 If there's angles watching over me 若舉頭三尺有神明 I hope they focus on someone more deserving 我希望他們可以專注更值得關注的人 If there's angles watching over me 若真的有天使冥冥之中註視著我 Well this is for the angles 那這首歌就寫給她們好了~ Sometimes I feel as lonely as Pluto 我有時和冥王星一樣孤獨 That's when I let the drink throw me like judo 喝得醉醺醺的時候就像是在練柔道 I love my friends but my homies aren't you though 我深愛著我的老友儘管伙計你還不是其中一員 Growing past conversations like go and f**k 2 hoes 從前我天花亂墜人模狗樣只是尋求一段露水情 I'm actually sick of messing with these hearts 現在想明白已經厭煩這種虛假浮誇追求刺激的手段了 I guess I'm growing up I took my time too but here we are 我猜我已經漸漸成熟了吧學會了怎麼管理時間 The world is spinning fast dancing 'til the jig is up 但是我們如今還是面臨世界飛度改變最終會毀滅的這一面 Getting all the hate is fine it's the love that's trickier 領受嫉恨倒還不錯但濃烈的愛會很棘手 My old area don't feel the same 我所了解的領域都不如往常了 People I used to idolise are seeming lame 我所仰望的偶像都逐漸落伍了 And I know its me that changed after all we attained 我變了大家都變了但起碼我們都還有收穫就不壞 I don't need much but art and some love to keep me sane 嘿我不需要太多藝術愛情來使我保持清醒 I say that sh*t but yo I'm in the club and its closing 現在我坐在快打烊的酒吧里叨嘮著這些廢話 F**king with hoes that only wanna f**k coz they know me 因為我出了名就想和我發生關係的人都給爺滾邊去 Suffice to say its d**e but I'm lonely and isolated 過去足以讓人墮落沉迷但如今我孤獨清醒與世隔離 At times in this ivory tower that I created 我將自己鎖在自己一手創造的象牙塔中 Coz time moves like a girl butt jiggles 時間一點一滴走遠就像小姑娘的屁股晃來晃去 Satisfaction is a long hard riddle 獲得幸福圓滿是難解的謎 And I wish you good luck with it all 希望好運可以一直伴隨著你 And I wish you good luck with it all 我真誠地希望好運可以一直伴隨著你 If there's angles watching over me 若真的有天使冥冥之中註視著我 I hope they focus on someone more deserving 我希望他們可以專注更值得關注的人 If there's angles watching over me 若真的有天使冥冥之中註視著我 Well this is for the angles 那這首歌就寫給她們好了 She said 她說 I'm tripping on you baby I'm tripping on you 我為你著迷寶貝我甘願為你犯錯 Could it be the drugs in our bellies I'm feeling it to 我覺得我們陷入愛情宛如灌了迷魂湯 And you can come up in this world I'm living the proof 我們是對方來到這個世界的最好證明 You got the flower power baby you really in bloom 你如花綻放魅力四射如此明艷動人 Thinking of stupid sh*t I did I should regret a lot 想起之前我所做的一切就後悔萬分 I guess its not all bad though looking at where I got 我想事情還沒有到不可挽回的地步吧 Already as if I' m done I don't think ill ever stop 我覺得放蕩行為可能不會停止但誰知道呢 I'm gaining on the leaders my old rivals already lost 如今的我大賺一筆昔日對手早已不知所踪 And I'm feeling this way tonight 今夜放空自己感受這個迷幻的夜晚 And I'm feeling this way tonight 用心感受今夜 And I'm feeling this way tonight 今夜的胡言亂語掏心置腹 The light on your face 燈光打在你的臉龐 The light on your face 一切閃耀動人無比美好