- The Chicks Gaslighter 歌詞
- The Chicks
- Gaslighter, denier
欺騙者,還矢口否認的人啊(煤氣燈效應出自電影《煤氣燈下》對人進行心裡操控和洗腦從而達到控制的目的) Doin' anything to get your ass farther 你費盡心思攀上更加紙醉金迷的生活 Gaslighter, big timer 欺騙者,耍把戲的佼佼者 Repeating all of the mistakes of your father 重蹈著你父輩的覆轍
We moved to California and we followed your dreams 我們來到繁華的加州,追尋著你描繪得華燈璀璨的夢 I believed in the promises you made to me 我無比深信於你對我許下的承諾 Swore that night 'til death do us part 在那個不諳世事是的夜晚發下誓言,只有死亡能將我們分離 But you lie lie lie lie lied 但你背棄信義 Hollywood welcomed you with open doors 紙醉金迷的名利場好萊塢向你敞開大門 No matter what they gave you, you still wanted more 無論多豐厚的財富你擁有了,你仍然貪心不止 Acting all above it when our friends divorced 我們的朋友離婚時你也是利益至上 What a lie lie lie lie lie 多麼可笑的謊言 You're such a 你就是個徹頭徹尾的
Gaslighter, denier 欺騙者,還矢口否認的人啊(煤氣燈效應出自電影《煤氣燈下》對人進行心裡操控和洗腦從而達到控制的目的) Doin' anything to get your ass farther 你費盡心思攀上更加紙醉金迷的生活 Gaslighter, big timer 欺騙者,耍把戲的佼佼者 Repeating all of the mistakes of your father 重蹈覆轍著你父輩的錯誤 Gaslighter, you broke me 煤氣燈男,你把我深深傷害 You're sorry, but where's my apology? 你對朋友道歉,但我該收到的道歉呢 Gaslighter, you liar 煤氣燈男,你這個該千刀萬剮的騙子 You thought I wouldn't see it if you put it in my face 你天真的以為我看不到你的所作所為嗎 Give you all my money, you'll gladly walk away 你搜刮我財產,大搖大擺的離去 You think it's justifiable, I think it's pretty cruel 你認為這合情合理,但我覺得這可太殘酷 And you know you lie best when you lie to you 你也要清楚自欺欺人的心理暗示你可再擅長不過 'Cause, boy, you know exactly what you did on my boat 因為,你背著我做了什麼你自己應該再清楚不過了 And , boy, that's exactly why you ain'tcomin' home 男孩,確切的說這也是你夜不歸宿的原因 Save your tired stories for your new someone else 省省你那陳詞濫調給你的新歡吧 'Cause they 're lie lie lie lie lies 它們全是你虛偽的謊言 Look out, you little 小心點
Gaslighter, denier 欺騙者,還矢口否認的人啊 Doin' anything to get your ass farther (Ooh) 你費盡心思攀上更加紙醉金迷的生活 Gaslighter, big timer 欺騙者,耍把戲的佼佼者 Repeating all of the mistakes of your father 重蹈覆轍著你父輩的錯誤 Gaslighter, you broke me 煤氣燈男,你把我深深傷害 You're sorry, but where's my apology? 你對朋友道歉,但我該收到的道歉呢 Gaslighter, you liar 煤氣燈男,你這個該千刀萬剮的騙子
You just had to start a fight, had to start a fire 你搞砸一切氣急敗壞,去武力發洩啊,去一把火燒啊 Couldn't take yourself on a road a little higher 不管怎樣,你再攀不上你的華燈璀璨的夢 Had to burn it up, had to tear it down 你也只能眼睜睜看著它被大火吞噬,支離破碎 Tried to say I'm crazy, babe, we know I'm not crazy, that's you 還信口開河的說我瘋了,噢親愛的,我可不會像你這樣的失心瘋 Gaslighting 你可惡至極的欺騙手段 You 're a lie lie lie liar 你這個該千刀萬剮的騙子 Oh, honey, that's you 親愛的,你才是失心瘋 Gaslighting 你可惡至極的欺騙手段 You made your bed and then your bed caught fire 你該自食其果 Gaslighter, I'm your mirror 煤氣燈男,我就是你的明鏡 Standin' right here until you can see how you broke me 就呆呆站在那吧,直到你清楚你是怎樣傷我的 Yeah, I'm broken 我心灰意冷 You' re still sorry, and there's still no apology 你滿嘴歉意,但道歉可沒用了
Gaslighter, denier 欺騙者,還矢口否認的人啊 Doin' anything to get your ass farther (Ooh) 你費盡心思攀上更加紙醉金迷的生活 Gaslighter, big timer 欺騙者,耍把戲的佼佼者 Repeating all of the mistakes of your father 重蹈著你父輩的覆轍 Gaslighter, you broke me 煤氣燈男,你把我深深傷害 You're sorry, but where's my apology? 你對朋友道歉,但我該收到的道歉呢 Gaslighter, you liar 煤氣燈男,你這個該千刀萬剮的騙子