- J Hus Spirit 歌詞
- J Hus
- Even when we never had a penny yeah we always had spirit
就算我們身無分文我們還有股精氣神 They can bun my flesh but they cant touch my spirit 他們可以燒毀我的肉體但他們碰不到我的靈魂 They wan take way my freedom but they cant take away my spirit 他們想要奪走我的自由但他們無法奪去我的精神 Cos even when we never had a penny yeah we always had spirit 就算我們身無分文我們還有股精氣神 All you hear is siren and skeng fire hold your head higher 耳邊盡是警笛和槍聲也要把頭高高抬起 Bill a zoot then build a empire 卷上根葉子建起個帝國 Skeng fire hold your head higher bill a zoot then build a empire 槍聲響起也要昂頭向前 All you hear is siren and skeng fire hold your head higher 耳邊盡是警笛和槍聲也要把頭高高抬起 Bill a zoot then build a empire 卷上根葉子建起個帝國 Skeng fire hold your head higher bill a zoot then build a empire 槍聲響起也要昂頭向前 If I end up dead or poppin on the wing 如果我橫屍街頭或捲入槍戰 Just know mummy raised a King 只需記得我媽媽生了個帝王之才 Grind til money aint a thing 拼命賺錢直到數字失去意義 You became a boss and brought all these bruddas in 成為大佬帶著一堆弟兄 Live by loyalty and honour same time I do what I wanna 以忠誠和榮譽為信條憑自己喜好行事 And I know how to treat a woman proper cuh I seen mamma suffer 我知道如何善待女人因為我見過媽媽受苦 No money but we had life I go hungry let my brother take my slice 窮困潦倒但我們生機勃勃我餓著肚子把飯讓給兄弟 Ride outs and drive bys but deep down theyre nice guys 四處遊蕩搞搞飛車搶劫不過他們其實人不錯 Lookin spectacular in my spectacles all my bruddas are stylish and fashionable 墨鏡一戴倍儿精神我兄弟們也個個潮流時尚 Carry the ting like its casual 日常出門都扛著傢伙 Came from the dirt its only rightthat I blow 從底層混出來就愛抽點葉子 Even when we never had a penny yeah we always had spirit 就算我們身無分文我們還有股精氣神 They can bun my flesh but they cant touch my spirit 他們可以燒毀我的肉體但他們碰不到我的靈魂 They wan take way my freedom but they cant take away my spirit 他們想要奪走我的自由但他們無法奪去我的精神 Cos even when we never had a penny yeah we always had spirit 就算我們身無分文我們還有股精氣神 All you hear is siren and skeng fire hold your head higher 耳邊盡是警笛和槍聲也要把頭高高抬起 Bill a zoot then build a empire 卷上根葉子建起個帝國 Skeng fire hold your head higher bill a zoot then build a empire 槍聲響起也要昂頭向前 All you hear is siren and skeng fire hold your head higher 耳邊盡是警笛和槍聲也要把頭高高抬起 Bill a zoot then build a empire 卷上根葉子建起個帝國 Skeng fire hold your head higher bill a zoot then build a empire 槍聲響起也要昂頭向前 Its so funny how life unfolded come too far to even lose focus 這種展開真神奇一路走來不敢分神 All we do is win I cant control it 沒辦法我只知道怎麼贏 But I cant take credit when God wrote it 不過命運是上帝書寫我可不敢搶功勞 Used to be a snot nosed kid 曾經是個被看不起的小孩 I knew a bruddah 16 with two kids 我認識個哥們16歲就有了倆孩子 Dont they grow up fast step outside and graft 他們不該早早成熟出門賺錢嗎 Your line dont bang cos you woke up last youre grinding in slow motion 你那破歌火不了是因為你起得最晚幹活最懶 I was out selling no lotion he knows me I dont know him 我可沒賣什麼非法藥劑他認識我我不認識他 But money comin on the boat load ting 綠鈔一船一船拉過來 You let the goons dem in 你跟那些傻子打交道 Im the fisherman cruising by gyal your waist need some loosenin' 我是一過路漁民妹子你的腰該減減了 Let me see some ting 給我個准信兒 What you think about you and I Gd up in the G Wagon 想不想跟我在這奔馳後座來一發 Even when we never had a penny yeah we always had spirit 就算我們身無分文我們還有股精氣神 They can bun my flesh but they cant touch my spirit 他們可以燒毀我的肉體但他們碰不到我的靈魂 They wan take way my freedom but they cant take away my spirit 他們想要奪走我的自由但他們無法奪去我的精神 Cos even when we never had a penny yeah we always had spirit 就算我們身無分文我們還有股精氣神 All you hear is siren and skeng fire hold your head higher 耳邊盡是警笛和槍聲也要把頭高高抬起 Bill a zoot then build a empire 卷上根葉子建起個帝國 Skeng fire hold your head higher bill a zoot then build a empire 槍聲響起也要昂頭向前 All you hear is siren and skeng fire hold your head higher 耳邊盡是警笛和槍聲也要把頭高高抬起 Bill a zoot then build a empire 卷上根葉子建起個帝國 Skeng fire hold your head higher bill a zoot then build a empire 槍聲響起也要昂頭向前