- The Strokes Ize of the World 歌詞
- The Strokes
- I think I know what you mean but watch what you say
我想我知道你的意思了,但是看看你說的 cause theyll be trying to knock you down in some way 因為他們會試圖將你擊倒 Sometimes it feels like the world is falling asleep 有時候就像是全世界都在沉睡 How do you wake someone up from inside a dream 你要怎麼去從夢裡喚醒一個人? Your mind would wander and search for its place in the night 你的思想會在晚上彳亍,搜尋屬於他自己的地方 Your body followed this feeling like following light 你的身體跟著這種感覺,就像跟著光亮一樣 Once that your music was born it followed you round 你的樂章一旦生成,就會圍繞著你 and then it gave your activities meaning and let you be loud 然後會給予你行動的意義,讓你的聲音變響亮 Your sad but you smiled 你很悲傷,但是你的微笑 Its not in your eyes 並不在你的眼中 Your eyeballs dont change 你的眼球沒有讓 Its the muscles around your eyes 它周圍的肌肉活動
An egg to fertilize 一個正在孵化的蛋 A pulse to stabilize 一段正在穩定的脈衝 A body to deodorize 一個沒有異味的身體 A life to scrutinize 一段仔細檢查的生活 A child to criticize 一個被批評的孩子 Young adults to modernize 現代化的剛成人的青年 Citizens to terrorize 被威嚇的市民 Generations to desensitize 麻木的幾代人
Youre dreams are sweet and obsessed 你的夢是那麼甜美並且讓人痴迷 And youre overworked 你過度勞作 Youre over taken by visions of being overlooked 你因為被輕視而被過度掠奪 How disappointed would D.I.D.I.P.P be 死掉的理想主義的失望的發明家、先驅者會多麼失望。 D. (ead) I. (dealistic) D. (esperate) I. (nventor) P. (ioneer) P. (hilosophe To see such our power in our hands all wasted on greed 當他們看見我們手裡的力量被我們的貪婪浪費掉 Am I a prisoner to instincts 我是一個向著本能的囚徒 Or do my thoughts just live as free 或者是說我的思維就像在 and detached as boats to the dock 港口的船那樣超然自由的生活?
Just like music was born 就像音樂誕生 And detached from your heart 從你的心中分離開 Is your free time to free minds 這是你放鬆思維的自由時間麼? or for falling apart? 亦或是分崩離析
Night after night 一夜接著一夜 You turn off the light 你打開燈 You dont fall asleep 你就是無法 Right away 立刻入睡 'Are we...are we done' 我們.....我們成功了麼
A desk to organize 一個被組裝好的椅子 A product to advertise 一個被宣傳的產品 A market to monopolize 一個被壟斷的市場 Movie stars you idolize 你崇拜的電影明星 Leaders to scandalize 被誹謗的領袖 Enemies to neutralize 宣布中立的敵人 No time to apologize 沒有時間去道歉 Fury to tranquilize 被平息的震怒 Weapons to synchronize 共同行動的武器 Cities to vapor-i 被蒸發的城市vapor(ize).